Friday, July 5, 2013

It's Hot Hot Hot in Londontown

Oh but it was a warm one today.
At least for London, England.
At least for me.
The Underground was particularly miserable (i.e. uncomfortably warm).

It finally felt like summer - a humid Midwest kind of summer.

We went to the National Gallery (building behind the fountain) to see an exhibit called "Vermeer and Music The Art of Love and Leisure.  In the 1660's the Dutch were gaga over music.  People sang and / or played one or more more musical instruments.   Music in the home was the evening's 'normal' entertainment.  As someone who played the viola from grade school through university, I enjoyed looking at the lovely period instruments on display.  Unfortunately, this was a No Photography exhibit, but I did include a link above that has some photos and more information.  
We then took a very slow stroll in the late muggy afternoon. 
Passing the Admiralty Arch...   

...we peaked through to look at the flag-lined Mall.

We headed toward the Houses of Parliament, past pubs...

...with their pretty flower baskets...

...then on to Whitehall...and Downing Street.  Sadly in this post 9-11 world, Downing Street is blocked off with large iron gates and an intensive and visible police presence.

So on to the Horse Guards Parade we went.

In this large open courtyard, the Queen each year reviews the armed forces who participate in the Trooping of the Colour.

This memorial is in the courtyard.

This one is on the street nearby. 

As is the famous Centopath - a memorial to honor the armed forces' dead whose bodies lie overseas.  It is getting a good cleaning and will shortly be on display. Even covered it is still a somber place - look at all the wreaths placed nearby.

We ended our walk with a salute to Sir Winston Churchill...

...and a look up at the clock tower and Big Ben.
We'll return to this area tomorrow to visit Westminster Abbey. 


  1. Oh, I am so enjoying this journey with you. Thank you for sharing all that you do.

  2. Aww so much fun...and by the fountain my papa also had a picture when he was there...sweet memories :)
    Hugs x

  3. gosh that was a long walk in the heat .... lovely photos and I learnt to play the violin at college .... :) love mouse xxxx

  4. A very "London" post today Beth, it's not much fun being in the city when it's so warm. We once spent a week there when it was like that and I was most uncomfortable.

  5. So sorry the hot and muggies are hitting over there too. It's been awful here the last 4-5 days. Just no fun at all. :(

  6. Sorry about the heat but you had another very interesting post!! It is cooler here. Thank goodness!

  7. So cool! Too bad it was muggy. From what I heard on Wimbledon, it wasn't super super hot like it is here though -- we're 90 and very humid. Ew. My DD played viola growing up too!!!

  8. Ah, good old Winnie - great likeness :-)
    When we took our boys to see London a few years ago, the yearly Naked Bike Parade suddenly came bolting down Whitehall - oops!
    Enjoy the Abbey.

  9. Looks like a wonderful day even with the hot weather. I hope that it cools off some :)

  10. It's hot and humid here too. Thanks for sharing more of your trip!


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