Saturday, June 1, 2013

Followed by the First Day of June

It's a lovely sunny day today, let's take a walk along the streets of Paris.

Would you be interested in exploring some of the cross stitch shops there?
I thought so!  This is Entrée des Fournisseurs located in a hidden courtyard at 8 rue des Francs Bourgeois.

I have an aunt who is a button collector.  She'd have gone crazy in this store.
While it is not a cross stitch store per-say, there is such a wonderful assortment of notions - a girl can go crazy nonetheless.
Continuing our walk...

Our next stop: Le Bonheur des Dames on Le Viaduc des Arts, 16 avenue DaumesnilThe disused viaduct now has shops beneath and a walkway and garden on top.

There is something about a display of French linen...
This store had lots of stitched models.  It had a good selection of books for sale.  Not many charts though, most everything was sold as a kit.
Let's continue on...
Des Fils et une Aiguille on 1 rue Chabanais is probably the the most famous cross stitch store in Paris as they also have an online presence.

This small store was bustling with customers on a Saturday afternoon.

Lots of models...
...and lots and lots of charts: Tra-la-la, Lili Points, Jardin Prive,
and L'R de Rien. 
On the way back to our apartment we saw these models working a photo shoot at the Palais Royal.

And yes, another newly married couple also having a photo shoot there as well.  What am I up to now?  Three brides in three days. 

And dogs too numerous to count.
Still no poodles though!
Special thanks goes to Paula in Portugal.  She laid the foundation for this walk-about with emails (and maps) outlining the many stitching joys to be found in the city of Paris.  Many thanks Paula!
I'll share my stash enhancements in later posts.


  1. An "oh so French" post today Beth, thanks so much for sharing it. Your June header is just perfect, I still love seeing those lupins. I am so envious of your needlework stops today - I loved the alphabet design in the window of Bonheurs Des Dames. I'm glad the sun shone for you and your mum today - it was pleasant here till tea time and then back to the inevitable rain.

  2. Wow - I bet you were like a kid in a candy store. I know I would have been. Can't wait to see what you purchased in those French shops.

  3. Oh my, you've been to some of my favourite haunts in Paris!! I've been to each one of those places at least 3 times and now I want to go again :-) If you're still there, try La Croix et la Manière (36 Rue Faidherbe), that's another lovely one. The owner is designer Monique Lyonnet, who has published some lovely books.

  4. ohhh wow ... catching up as always ... had to wipe the drool of the keyboard before I typed this .... love all the stitchy shops ... the cathedral and the brides look gorgeous ... not to sure about that lipstick on the models though .... those rose ball trees are fab and love the wee furbabies too ... phew think that covers it ... looks like you are having a wonderful time :) love mouse xxxxx

  5. Thanks so much for sharing your photos....I'm very envious.....the stitching shops look lovely!

  6. This is a post where any needle worker would envy you your trip. I can't wait to see the stash. I love all the linen, so pretty!!

  7. Oh! So jealous! Wish I had a full purse and was in that shop! You had to have been in heaven!

  8. Wow wow wow! I love it! LUcky you! Did you buy anything?

  9. C'est magnifique!! J'adore Paris!! How lucky to be there and thank you for such a lovely walk through Paris!!

  10. You were right Beth! So many sweet pup, but nary a poodle.
    What a fabulous day you two had. =)

  11. Aww sweet stitchy shop...thank you for sharing so sweet pictures..
    Hugs x

  12. Looks like you had a great day. Beautiful shops in a beautiful city.

  13. Oooooooo, BUTTONS. Oh the damage I would do.

  14. Another great day! Thanks for taking us along on your walk!

  15. Wonderful! The last time I was in Paris, I was a teenager and didn't really appreciate it. I love seeing all your pictures and stitchy shops!

  16. Okay, this has to be my favorite post yet for obvious reasons. LOL! What a great way to spend a walk about.

  17. The dogs were hilarious, and no French poodles! All the beautiful stichery threads and notions--that would have been a great deal of fun to stroll through--glad you got to go!

  18. This may have been my favorite day of your visit yet, Beth! Oh, all those amazing shops filled with such beautiful goodies.

    Not really digging that black lipstick on the French models, though!


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