Sunday, June 2, 2013

An American in Paris Goes to Paris Disneyland

I bought these items from Entrée des Fournisseurs.  The pins are very popular with young Asian tourists - they buy them up 5 to 10 boxes at a time.

Yesterday was my day, today was Mom's day and she chose Paris Disneyland.

We saw one castle and rode three rollercoasters.

Several different kinds of birds...

...and too many princesses to even count!

We watched three parades...

...and visited one garden.

It was a long and silly and exhilarating day!


  1. Oh what fun!! Have you been to Disneyland or Disney World in the US? How does Paris compare?

  2. Looks like a nice day and great stash too!

  3. What a fun day you had! It is so funny that those pins are that popular.

  4. Looks like you are having a wonderful time, will you ever want to come home?!

  5. I love your choice of accessories, they're very neat. What a great time you're having in Paris, you're certainly making the most of every day.

  6. Lovely new accouterments!Fabulous.
    It looks like Disneyworld was pretty great too.

  7. I am soooo enjoying your daily posts from Europe. AND soooo jealous.

    I'm curious about the three shops in the previous post. Were they located near each other? Was it an easy walk/ride to get to them in one day?

    Also, do you speak French? :)

    How are the eats in Paris?

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. I guess the appeal of Disney is universal! Was it much different than Disneyland here?


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