Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Where is Waldo?

I've stitched enough to show off a bit of progress.  I'm calling this "August" though it does not have a name on the chart.   The chart is "A Prairie Year II" by the Prairie Schooler.

Just when you think you know where I am and what I am doing...

I might surprise you.  Mom and I took the Eurostar to Paris this afternoon.  The train left at 4:22pm.  I thought the Chunnel Experience might make me claustrophobic, but...I slept through that part.

We arrived at Gare d' Nord about 8:00pm.  We bought metro tickets and made our way to our apartment.  Even at 8:30pm the streets were bustling and full of people.

This is the view from our apartment window.

Very Parisian yes?


  1. Enjoy Paris! :-) The WIP is very sweet.

  2. Oui! =) Be sure to buy some ice cream there...especially if you are near to Notre Dame. It's some of the best ice cream I've had!

  3. Get some crepes!! And marzipan :) And make sure you get to Versailles, the gardens are too gorgeous to walk around.

    I love your WiP! Tiny bees ♥

  4. I agree Beth, you would love Versailles (if you've not already been) - it's an amazing place, very beautiful. Enjoy your time in France.

  5. sounds like you are having way too much fun!! Enjoy every minute,take lots of pix to share with us.

  6. Whoa! What happened to London? lol! What fun! I'm looking forward to seeing what's next. Pretty stitching too!

  7. Beth, this trip will never cease to amaze!! Can't wait to see the many photos you will take! Have fun. Oh, and a very cute WIP!

  8. Lovely window boxes. I can't wait to see what's next.

  9. Oh wow! Good for you two. Let me know if you see poodles Beth! ;)

  10. From what I understand theres great needleshops in Paris!

  11. Love the window boxes....You should have given us clues..like "Where in the world is matt lauer"...Where is the world has she taken Mom now???????

  12. Oh, you lucky girl!! Really looking forward to seeing the Paris photos, Beth :)

  13. Oh Beth, you are in my absolute favorite city in the whole wide world. Enjoy her for me and tell the Eiffel Tower I said hello!

  14. OMG--you're in Paris now--how cool is that!! I love the window boxes--what a gorgeous city.

  15. Huh. I don't read blogs for a few days, come back and find you in a different country. I do envy the folks in Europe the transportation systems that make that so easy. Enjoy Paris. The WIP is very cute.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.