Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Louvre and the Seine

I am probably deluding myself (who has time!), but I kitted up another stitch.
This one is a new small kit from Lizzie Kate.  We'll see how it goes.
Before I delve into "What I Did Today", I wanted to thank all the folks who have left comments and appear to enjoy following along on my Epic Adventure! 
The rain has begun as I type my post, but we are snug in our apartment so it matters not.  Today Mom and I took in the Louvre (as  did a significant percent of the world's population - Buddhist monks included).

I was last here in 1986, and it is very different Louvre now.  There's even air conditioning!  I do like Pei's pyramid as well.

Speaking of pyramids, the Louvre has lots of Egyptian antiquities...

...including cat mummies!
Sometimes the halls of the Louvre appear so long they disapear into the horizon.
Even the ceilings are worth a look.
There's too much to see and do in one lifetime I think.
The best way to enjoy the Louvre or any other large museum, is to come away with one or two new things that speak to you personally.
For me, it was this painting called "Portrait of a Couple" by an unknown French artist. I think they've been married a while and still like each other. And I adore the lace on her ruff and cuffs.

After the Louvre, we walked to the Pont Neuf to take one of the bateaux mouches on tour of Parisian landmarks. 
The bridges over the Seine are lovely and a bateau ride is a great way to see them.
Recently couples have taken to buying a lock, inscribing it with their name or initials, hanging it on the Pont des Arts, then tossing the key into the Seine.  The love and lock can thus never be broken.

There's a nice view of the Eiffel Tower from the river.

Here's the Musee d' Orsay.  We'll go there to see Impressionist paintings.
Sometimes serendipity just happens.
This newly marriage couple was happily posing for pictures atop the Pont Neuf as we watched below from the bateau.  They finally noticed us and sent us a big wave and grin.  It certainly looks like Happily Ever After to me!


  1. It's fun to see those well known sights again through another stitcher's camera :-) You must have navigated past "our" house boat on the Seine.

  2. Beth, Thanks to you, I feel like a have had just a glimpse of Paris today. Cat mummies, I never knew such things existed!!!

  3. It's great to share your trip to Paris - I've only been once and it was many years ago. What a novel idea with the locks.

  4. Your trip is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pictures.

  5. What great pictures of such an awesome museum. I have never been there myself, but hope too someday!

  6. Lovely! I like the stone cats.. the mummies are just a little creepy.
    Another wonderful day.

  7. Oh how wonderful! I love that lock and key thing. So special! I know what your weather is like cause I'm watching the French Open (tennis) which is in Paris. I bet it's rainy!

  8. More wonderful pictures. What a trip of a life time for you two.

  9. Thanks for taking us along on your trip. Love the wedding couple too.

    I think you'll enjoy the Lizzie*Kate piece. It's an easy, quick stitch.

  10. Love the outside of the building--I remember it from a Tom Hanks movie--Da Vinci Code maybe. And the locks and keys--how romantic is that??

  11. I am most definitely enjoying all the pictures and am glad you are being so generous in sharing them. I LOVE museums,especially art ones, so I would be in heaven there.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.