Saturday, April 27, 2013

Big Birds Little Birds

See the Big Bird in the tree.

See the Big Bird (Turkey Vulture) fly away. 

See the Little Birds (Goldfinches and Pine Siskins) at the feeder.

Each day I am getting more and more Goldfinches.

I counted fifteen 'guys' on Thursday. 

And aren't they handsome fellows?

Here's a handsome Goldfinch couple.

I wonder if they are courting.

The Golden-crowned Sparrow can't compete with the finches.
But perhaps subtle color is charming in its own way.  


  1. Wow, those goldfinches are spectacular!!

  2. The goldfinches are so pretty! I have spotted a couple in our yard for the first time. I haven't been able to get a picture yet.

  3. Good Saturday morning, Beth! I am catching up on all your wonderful blog posts and it's always a treat!

    Love the latest blog header full of kitties!

  4. They certainly look like a courting couple Beth, it's so lovely to see a number of them together - the yellow really stands out.

  5. Fun photos - you're ever so good at catching your feathery friends :-)

  6. Some amazing bird watching going on around your place. Love the pics of them!

  7. All the birds look wonderful. I love the little goldfinch couple!

  8. Loving all the birds. From the way he's looking at her, I'd say the Goldfinch couple are courting, lol.

  9. Oh, the goldfinch couple is so very dear--just love them, Beth!


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