Friday, April 26, 2013

Back in Early April

This less than wonderful photo shows the bit of stitching I was able to do last evening on "April's Daisy". 

I want to go back in time a bit to the beginning of April. 
That's when this field of daffodils was at its best.

While there are a few daffodils along side the road... far the best display is at the edge of the Oak grove.

I don't know how many years ago the originals were planted, but they've naturalized and multiplied over the last several years. 

The display is one I look forward to each year.




The great thing is that no one picks them.
They're left alone so that everyone might enjoy them.

The  "host of golden daffodils" is to me, one of the first signs of Spring.

Nature is often a wonderful gardener!


  1. Sweet start..and lovely pictures xx

  2. I love naturalized flowers! I did that at my old house in NH but don't know if the new owners left them or not as they did dig out all the other plants that were there.

  3. I love daffodils!!! Thanks for the pics -- they're so pretty!

  4. Nature indeed is a wonderful gardener. The daffodils are beautiful and can be enjoyed by one and all

  5. A great little start. I enjoyed the daffodil shots. Even my late blooming ones are almost finished. I will miss them but the dahlias are breaking ground.(I don't take them out I'm too tired by fall)

  6. i so do enjoy the photos you share, love the daffodils - Amanda

  7. Nice start of April, and thanks for sharing the daffodil pics.

  8. Daffodils are my favorite spring flower! Thanks for the beautiful pictures

  9. These really are some of my favorite flowers. Which is a bummer because the season is so so so short for them in the yard. :(

  10. Love all the flowers. Thanks for sharing.


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