Friday, February 1, 2013

February's Blog Header

February's Blog Header

Row #1: Valentine Card from my Grandmother to my Grandfather pre-1936, Ewe & Eye & Friends, "The Heart House"; Valentine Card from my Grandmother to my Grandfather pre-1936, Heart in Hand, "2009 Collector's Heart".

Row #2: Lizzie Kate, "February Flip-it"; Valentine Card from my Grandmother to my Grandfather about 1937; Valentine Card from my Grandmother to my Grandfather undated.

Row #3: Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Sweet Exemplary"; Heart in Hand, "2008 Collector's Heart"; Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Polka Dot Scissor Companion"; Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Frosty Valentine".

I'll talk about the Valentine Day Cards in more detail on a post on the 14th of the month. 

Ahhhh!  February sunshine!  
It is to be enjoyed to the utmost.

This Sharp-shinned Hawk was omnipresent the other day.

Which meant little to no action at my bird feeders.

Wisely as it turns out the hawk alighted atop one of the feeders.
That's a bit bold!

With milder weather the Robins are back in force.

The chickadees flit to the feeders, take a sunflower seed, and flit right back to the safety of a tree or brushy cover.  


  1. awww! The February Sunshine pic is adorable.
    The valentines you own from your grandparents are awesome and priceless. What treasures.

  2. so sweet..very pretty header..i love it so much..they all so sweet x

  3. Your February header is wonderful! Perfect for Valentine's Day.

  4. A lovely header for February, I love the family history you've included in it. Puss cat is the picture of contentment - oh what a life!!

  5. That's a lovely new header. We could do with some sunshine, it's being pretty foggy here these days.

  6. Just love the old vintage cards that you've used in this months header, Beth--they look like they're in remarkably good condition for their age!!

  7. Look forward to the post about the vintage valentines! Cute stitching pieces... Have not ever seen Frosty Valentine...too dang cute! Hugs!

  8. Wow, you are so lucky to valentine cards that your grandmother gave to your grandfather.

    Can't wait to see some robins around here again.

    I'm like your kitty, soak up as much sun as I can, except I don't get to take a nap while I'm doing it, lol.

  9. What a lovely header!! I just love watching the chickadees!

  10. Nice lovely header! So fresh looking with pink tones, so pretty :)

  11. Lovely new header! The chickadee is so pretty.

  12. Oh the vintage valentines is wonderful! As is your sweet monthly stitches!

  13. Really do love the vintage cards that you inserted. Makes it extra-extra special. :)

  14. I love the February Header. So many wonderful EEF pieces.

  15. Your latest header is beautiful... as usual! Absolutely love the vintage Valentines that your Grandmother gave to your Grandfather. They are just precious :-)


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