Thursday, January 31, 2013

Snowman and Bunnies

Design - "Whee Willie"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 28 January 2013
Completed - 29 January 2013

This was a great project to use up little bits and pieces of floss.  The pattern calls for the word "Whee!" to be stitched above the three horizontal lines.  I decided I liked the 'cleaner' look of the piece without "Whee!".

In the morning the bunnies come for breakfast.




One, two, three!

I feed them back under the cover of blackberry canes and other brush to help keep them safe from predators.  The bunny on the far left has the most interesting face.  The pattern of his fur on right side of his face is much darker and 'disturbed'.  I can't tell if it is an injury or just an unusual pattern.


  1. What a cute snowman - well done. And the bunnies are so cute too :-)

  2. I just joined your blog--I really enjoy all your pictures of birds and wildlife and your stitching! Here's my blog if you'd like to stop by:

  3. Cute snowman! What do you feed the bunnies? I always thought they could fend for themselves. We have tons of them, even in this cold snowy weather.

  4. It looks like it may be a skin issue Beth, it's hard to tell.

  5. Aww cute bunnies...they just so much ME...I hop like bunny everywhere
    Sweet stitching...
    Love Cucki xx

  6. The lines make your snowman look very modern.

  7. well I do declare I have had a wonderful walk this morning through all your latest finishes and walks ... love the mushrooms too ... and you have spring flowers WAHHHHH need to go and investigate my wee patch been to dark when I have got home ...
    that wee bunny looks like an injury but doesn't seem to be bothering him ... must dash got to go to work *sigh need to fund my stitching stash somehow love mouse xxxxxx

  8. Sweet finish! I like him without the whee. The bunnies are cute!

  9. What a skinny little snowman! Fun! That one bunny might have been in a fight--looks like a disruption not something normal... Sad face... But it's still here! Hugs!

  10. I feel like you had a picture of a bunny last week with a gash on his face? It stuck out to me at the time. I just love bunnies (owned a pet one who lived to the ripe old age of 11!) and I know they are prey but it makes me sad to think of them, you know, getting eaten. :(


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.