Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

I've long admired the work of Isabel of The Primitive Hare.  I decided to treat myself.  I purchased two charts and a lot of of hand-dyed 30 count Old Salem linen through her Etsy site.  The linen arrived yesterday charmingly wrapped with twine and a pretty tag.  I'll probably save these and stitch one or both closer to Christmas time 2013.  Something to look forward to. 

You'd be forgiven for thinking these two were observing me.  Nope - they ignored me in favor of keeping close watch on big old fluffy Padma-Cat.

The Steller's Jays are welcome bursts of color and sound on a gray day.

On Monday morning I counted 16 of them waiting for me to set out sunflower seeds and bits of stale bread (they also like cold french fries)!

We do not often have Crows stop by.  I see and hear them as they fly overhead on their way into town in the morning and then home again in the evening. (They must have jobs in town!).  These three stopped by for a short visit before heading off on their usual rounds.

Juncos are amongst my favorite Winter birds. 

The Mourning Doves are active in the Winter too.

They gather in the Big Leaf Maples morning and evening. 

I've not seen any chipmunks for a while (hibernating perhaps?).  The bunnies appear to hang tough all Winter long.  


  1. Super sweet stash..and I enjoy my walk with you always:)
    Love you x

  2. Ok, I love your little Christmas tree. Wonderful! Love the Pimitive Hare as well. It's hard to resist her designs. Lovely nature pics as always!

  3. Oooh enjoy your new stash. I like Primitive Hare designs as well.

    And juncos are one of my favorite winter birds along with chickadees. They are so shy but fluffy when puffed up that I just want to scoop them up in my hands. I'm sure they'd never go for that if I could ever get close enough!

  4. Your new stash is great, Beth--the deer design is perfect for you! I look forward to seeing them all stitched up in December...

    Lovely nature photos--I am always amazed at how many birds you have in your part of the U.S.!!

  5. Great stash for next Christmas time.I love the bird photos. We heard an owl in our woods last night but could not see it.

  6. Lovely new stash, Beth! Great nature pictures, too.

  7. Lovely pictures, and great new stash - Isabella is a very talented designer.

  8. Wonderful new stash. I really like her designs too.

  9. I love all the different birds that visit your home, Beth. The Stellar's Jays are so pretty, and the crows going to and from town--what's up with that?? Take care, and have a wonderful weekend!

  10. We are still having hundreds of black crows where I work! They start gathering at around three o'clock and at five, when I leave, they are swooping and diving and cawing like crazy, settling in for the night I guess. Sometimes they give me the creeps,cause there are so many... reminiscent of THAT movie... Hugs!

  11. I got some of that linen last month and it's wrapped so preciously I don't know if I can bring myself to use it. lol


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