Friday, January 11, 2013


Oh but I am dithering around.  Working on that,  then on this, then on something else entirely.  "Fuzzy Mitten" by Fanci That is the latest stitch to catch my eye.  And, as it turns out to have been very seasonal too! 

Thursday morning from 7:30am-10:00am we had snow showers.
Long enough, and hard enough that it began to accumulate on the trees...

...and on the ground.

Just a dusting of snow. 
Enough to momentarily have a Winter Wonderland.

But not enough to cause harm to birds or other critters.

I do like how it delineated the structure of both deciduous and coniferous trees.

And it made a charming backdrop.

Reason enough to keep the outdoor Christmas lights up for a while longer!


  1. Awww beautiful pic! Nice new start on your cross stitch :)

  2. Such stunning photos today Beth.

  3. Wow, beautiful pictures! Just the kind of day to spend inside stitching mittens :-)

  4. Awe super cute pictures..
    Have a fun day x

  5. What pretty snowy pictures! :) Definitely a day to stitch mittens, for sure. :)

  6. catching up again ... well done to your sister on her clear up ... she deserves a medal ....
    we are expected to get snow this weekend / next week too ... will double check all feeders and water etc tomorrow :)
    love all your new starts especially the wee cardinal :) love mouse xxxxx

  7. Lovely snow photos Beth. We're forecast to have some of the dreaded white stuff this weekend and early next week.

  8. I'm starting at the top--most recent posts--behind as usual. Gosh the snow looks beautiful!! You have a knack for taking great pictures! We are going to be in the high 60's to 70ish this weekend. Can you believe it??? Hugs!

  9. I must admit, you make the snow look lovely. No snow here in Illinois, but that's fine with me.

  10. Mittens are a great project! I loved doing the JBW mittens last winter. Your snow is so pretty. We had a very wet snow in Dec. and it broke branches from some of our shrubs! It didn't last long but did considerable damage.

  11. Beautiful photos! I am so jealous of your snow. It was in the 70's here today. Pray for just one snow for us here in Wayne County NC. That's all I want! :)

  12. Snow is so pretty in the countryside. We are meant to be getting some in the UK this weekend.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.