Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Visitor

 Design - "Pin Keep Box"
Chart - "Joy to the World"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count natural linen
Fibers - Crescent Colours, GAST, and WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 31 December 2012
Completed - 3 January 2013

This is the last of the reindeer for a while.  Really liked to use of color in this design - Ye Olde Gold, Bluecoat Red, and Licorice Red are standouts.

I know I just subjected you to entertained you with a series of water bird photos the last couple of days.

But PAdma has decreed - the bird photos continue!

On a cold, sunny Wednesday afternoon the cats and I were entertained by this unusual visitor.

We had a Black Phoebe stop by.

He is a fly catcher who likes areas with slow moving water.  Only 10 years ago this small bird never strayed north of California.  Now it drifts into the southern Willamette Valley regularly. 

The Phoebe liked the ridge-line of the house roof.

He sang merrily to us in the Winter sunshine.


  1. He's a cute little bird, unlike the heron which isn't cute but is still a delight of nature. (I tried to reply to an email from you Beth but it bounced back - I don't know if you have a problem receiving messages.)

  2. Cute finish! And the bird -- so cool! How do you spot these birds?

  3. joy to the world is real pretty. I like all the pictures of the birds.

  4. Those are great colors together and this piece is really cute. Can't wait to see your next finish.

  5. Helloooo! Great bird shots! I don't spend much time outdoors now, except getting into my car to go to work, and coming home from work... But I am so pleased that I hear birds still chirping, tweeting and so on in my neighborhood! Don't think I have ever noticed that before. Cannot see the birds doing it...yet! I have that LK chart, and will get it done... by next Christmas! Yours is wonderful of course! Hugs!

  6. I agree, the colors are great in Joy to the World. That bird is so pretty. I think we are too far north for it if you are just now seeing it in your area.

  7. We are lucky to have lots of the chirpy black phoebes on our property - they love the small waterfalls and ponds in our front yard and the big pond out by our barn. I know they are eating lots of critters and I enjoy watching them. We had a nest above our front walkway several years in a row and I could watch the babies learning to fly from my kitchen window. Love all the bird photos! We have egrets here as well and have had a heron in our large pond too :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Isn't great when you spot someone new.
    I love the blog header. It looks like many were stitched in 2012? Inquiring minds want to know.
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Another great bird!
    Cute little finish. Really digging the color palette on this one.

  11. I see new birds on your blog all the time. You live in such a wonderful area for wildlife.

  12. You're right--those colors are wonderful! Congratulations on your newest finish :)

    I saw a new-to-me bird the other day and thought to myself, "I'll bet Beth would know the name of it!!" It was some sort of woodpecker with a red head :) Very handsome, indeed!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.