Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holiday Survival Tips - From the Cats

The cats 'helped' with much of the Christmas decorating and cleaning.

Parvati helped wrap gifts too.

But even in the busiest of times, they understand the importance of a Cat-Nap.

Nap long and often - that's their advice.

Because come Christmas morning it's Catnip Mouse time!

Even the paper bag the mouse came in is good fun.

We do love our mice... 

and our paper bag.

Padma's dilated eyes are proof of the Cat Nip Effect!  

After a nap to recover from a Cat Nip Hangover, Padma was ready to entertain guests.  

The cats take their holiday hosting responsibilities seriously.


  1. The cats are so beautiful. I always give my little tiger cat Dylan a Christmas Cat-Nip Mouse. This year I was stitching the Just Nan Gingerbread Mouse and DH asked if that was the cat's Christmas present....silly man! lol

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  2. My favourite kind of post Beth, full of kitties. Your cats look really quite big when seen alongside people. I do like the photo of the three in a row together.

  3. I love it! lol! Your cats sure know how to do Christmas!

  4. The cats are so cute...glad they enjoyed their Christmas Catnip! I hope you have a great holiday season and happy new year with lots of stitching fun!

  5. Merry Christmas Beth! I have really enjoyed all your Christmas posts and pictures. The cats look like they are really enjoying themselves (and they are so gorgeous!). Wanda

  6. heheheh overdosed on cat nip look is brill ... glad they helped entertain the guests :) love mouse xxxx

  7. Merry Christmas and the cats are adorable:-)

  8. Tell the kitties thank you for showing me how to handle the holidays! Your furry family members are so cute!

  9. Oh, the catnip-crazed kitties sure brought back some fun memories. We always gave our kitty catnip in his stocking each Christmas and just loved watching his antics.

    Looks like a great Christmas for man, woman, and kitty alike :)


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