Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas!
Christmas often culminates with a gathering of friends and family...

 for a Christmas Dinner Repast.

The food served is rich with meaning and tradition.
For some people - it is cheese! 

Other's have festive desserts... 

including cakes...

they can be whimsical...

or traditional like a Buche Noel.

This is an abomination in my opinion!

I'm more of a traditionalist...

and would be happy with a good, strong cheese!

I hope you are gathering 'round a festive table today.

There is a place for each at our table.

And plenty of desserts to enjoy after the main course.


  1. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas Day. Thanks for all you share. Your table certainly is one I'd like to join!

  2. Merry Christmas Beth! I am thinking as you on that Tofurky Yuck!!! Enjoy the day!

  3. Hi Chris, Thanks for such a festive post. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

  4. Have a wonderful day Beth, we've been out for lunch and are now home to relax.

  5. Beth
    Wishing you the blessings of the Christmas season. May 2013 be a year filled with health, happiness, love, and peace.
    Thank you for the tour of your home at Christmas...it would be an honor to share at your table.
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  6. Merry Christmas Elizabeth. I think you are one of the first blogs I began following a few years back. I even have my sister reading it every day. I'm pretty sure she follows by email.

  7. Merry Christmas Beth!
    I hope that you had a wonderful celebration with your family.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.