Saturday, December 1, 2012

Catching Up!

It has poured and stormed all night long!  The even now the rain is
pounding down and the wind is howling.  Let's take a look back when the weather was more pleasant.

I hadn't gotten around to sharing these photos whilst they were 'current'.
But each is pretty enough it its own right, so I refuse to think of them as 'outdated'.
This tree - a cherry perhaps - was a wall of scarlet at the end of October.

The Sword Ferns hold up well 'til late Winter.

Regrowth and Renewal begins with the first Fall rains in late October.

There is beauty too in decay.

Autumn means mushrooms in the cool damp shade of the forest.


  1. Nice pictures, Beth! Enjoy the stormy weather--I always look at it as an invitation to sit and stitch!

  2. very sweet pictures..
    sending you warm hugs x

  3. I love your new header, there's quite a few in there that really appeal.

  4. Thank you for the nice break! We are still working on the ark!! It seems like it has rained for 40 days already!!

  5. Lovely photos, especially the one with the oak leaves and fungi.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.