Friday, November 30, 2012

Do You Stitch in Public?

Do you stitch in public?  I do!  I was able make a nice start on the borders of "Happy Gobble Gobble Day" while attending a University of Oregon mens' basketball game last night.  I did not stitch during the game - just before, during half-time and time-outs.  For years I stitched while I commuted back and forth to work via a Lane Transit District bus.  I often received comments from other riders on my stitching.  Suprisingly most times it was men who noticed my WIP and had something to say about the design or the effort involved in the process.   

I don't think our Chattering Chipmunk bother to hibernate in our temperate climate. 

They seems to hang out in the Big Woodpile all year long.

I think you'd agree the Chips are fat enough to withstand hibernation!

The other day there were three of 'em scurrying around.
There are two in this photo.

And here's the third one!

Ann over at Beadlework is fond of my Flicker photos.  This photo perfectly illustrates a fact I just learned.  Note how the long feathers on the tip of his tail are balanced against the green metal container.  I found out that if you want to attract Flickers to your feeders, the feeder must be large enough to accommodate the use of the tail as a 'balancer'.  Otherwise the Flicker's body swings back and forth and he will not linger.  Who knew?  Now we do!  


  1. I stitch in public. I have never had a man comment, only women. They always say they do not have time for something like that.

  2. I stitch in public also - however most the comments i get are why am i wasting my time with such a thing, which i find very annoying.

  3. Clicking on the flicker photo shows the bird off to perfection. What a lovely flash of colour at the base of the beak and those spotty feathers are so appealing. Everything about this bird is so pretty.
    I never stitch outside the house or caravan - over here you rarely, if ever, see anyone stitching when in public.
    I once knitted in hospital when my son was in for several days and even then I was quite self conscious about it as it's such a novelty.

  4. I stitch in public! my comments are usually "I don't have the patience for that" but I'm pretty sure they sit in front of the TV. My friend calls it "sitting for creative people" :)

    I get some lovely stories from people who stop to chat with me when they see me stitching.

  5. yup..i also get the same comments like pandy..
    great start..on your stitching..
    have a lovely weekend x

  6. I stitch in public if the opportunity arises. I hate to waste time when I could be doing something useful! Love the Flicker photo, and the chipmunks! Nice progress on your stitching, too.

  7. I stitch and knit in public all the time. I never leave home without a project in my purse since I am the world's most impatient waiter... the time goes faster if my hands are occupied and no one gets hurt that way - LOL! I love the Happy Gobble Gobble day - such a cute turkey.

  8. Yep, I stitch in public. In fact, I just spent a 2 hour train ride to Chicago stitching the whole time.

    It always makes me feel like I haven't wasted time when I can stitch while waiting.

  9. I would knit in public whilst waiting but not stitching. The photo of the swoosh of the tail is amazing Beth, well done for capturing it.

  10. Yes, I stitch in public--but only easy non-complicated stitching. I find it to be a great conversation starter! I'll be having an extended stitching in public session while waiting in the hospital for my son's six-hour surgery to be done on Thursday...

    Love the chipmunk photos, Beth--they are just adorable :)

  11. Now I know why the flickers went to the suet feeder. I do some serious stitching on airplanes. We go to Alabama a few times each year and I love to have a fairly simple part of a project to do on the flight. I also stitch at some meetings.

  12. I stitch in public, and as a passenger in a vehicle or others transportation as well. It is great especially when you have extra time on your hands with nothing to do; waiting at the doctors, taking the subway, "watching tv", etc. I have had people admire my cross stitching, both men and women. The women will usually ask me if it is hard to do, and when I explain it isn't they want more info. on how to do the craft.

  13. I'll knit pretty much anywhere. No stitching though. Not portable enough for me - I'm only comfortable if I have everything laid out JUST SO all around me. Probably why I don't get nearly as much stitching done. I'm a stitching DIVA.


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