Saturday, November 3, 2012

October Trail Cam Pictures

I am going to have one more Give-Away as part of the 300 Followers Celebration.  I decided though to wait another week to allow more East Coast folk the opportunity to participate.

So this Saturday we'll take a look at the best October photos from our Trail Camera.

We got several pictures of a Bob-Cat.  I think we may have more than one.

An hour later, a raccoon strolled by. 

This one is cause for concern.  If you click on the photo to enlarge it, and look on the left, you can see our very own Tom-Cat!  He should NOT be that far from our house.

Bob-Cat again

The following day, Bob-Cat again...

...strolling down to Dorothy's Creek.

Bob-Cat in the evening heading to the right... 

...and 12 miutes later he's coming back heading to the left.

Mid-month we moved the camera to our "Secret Path". 
Not a big variety of critters - just lots of deer.

Including this nice Buck!


  1. Lovely pictures..
    Happy Saturday xxx

  2. That's very worrying that tom-cat is so far away from your house and wandering so close to predators.

  3. Oh, I wouldn't like my cat that far from the house either, especially if there is a bob cat out on the loose! I hope he stays safe. All we have are house cats now, but when we did have some that would go outside I would always tell them as they went out the door, "Make good choices!" Lol...

  4. Great Trail photos....nervous about Tom Cat but....My cats are out here is the city and we worry about coyotes! We lost one to the coyote and tried to keep new cat in but...he wanted out, so he is in by sundown and not out until sunrise...cats love to be "Wild" what can you do?

  5. Mr. TOM CAT NEEDS TO BE GOING HOME NOW. Before he gets eaten! :(


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