Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blue Bunnies

I'm plodding along with JBW Design's "The Rabbit Alphabet". And I do mean plodding!  I've only the small 'S' and 'T' section to show for my efforts since I last posted stitching progress back in early October.  With only six more letters to think...but then...

I haven't had a Critter Report in a while.  So here we go.

My last Chipmunk Census tallied three scurrying about our big woodpile.

I'm counting 15-17 California Quail.

And at least two Anna Hummingbirds.

After a few days' hiatus, this fawn and doe are showing up regularly again.

Mama is on alert for predators...

...while Baby keeps an eye on the Outdoor Cats.


  1. How big of a property do you live on, Beth? I'm always so amazed at all the wonderful wildlife visitors you see.

    Lovely stitching progress!

  2. That blue bunny piece is so pretty, Beth--I think I would be taking my time stitching it too, just to make it last a bit longer :)

    So many wonderful visitors you have each day!!

  3. I always think that deer are such gentle looking animals, they are so vulnerable to predators.

  4. The bunny sampler is looking great! That fawn is so sweet looking. =)

  5. awww the bunny sampler is looking so sweet..
    lovely pictures..
    hugs cucki x

  6. Beautiful stitching. And gorgeous picture of the wildlife in your garden . The fawn is so cute

  7. Your stitching looks great! The critters are so fun to watch and seem to really enjoy your property! Yes, how much land do you live on? Such a glorious corner of the world you live in!!!!

  8. I do love that Blue Bunny Sampler. Beth, do you have problems with the deer eating all your wonderful plants?

  9. The quail and hummers are so pretty. I never see quail here in town, but my parents have them out on their ranch in eastern Washington. The hummers like to winter over here, too.

  10. Your rabbit alphabet is so beautiful. I love its delicacy.

  11. So close to finishing, I know how that feels!

    I love the critters, they do like the camera, don't they?


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