Thursday, October 11, 2012

Woody is Back!

Next up - "Stay up Late" by Lizzie Kate.

I'm an early to bed girl, but I do love the two owls.

Speaking of birds...

Monday morning the Pileated Woodpecker came by once again.

I can't get enough of that bird!

Here he is sticking his head in the cavity he's drilled for a closer inspection.

I think his profile is prehistoric in nature - like that of a Pterodactyl.

This time he hung around for a good 40 minutes or more. 

He is reason enough to leave a few snags / dead trees standing in and along the edges of the forest.

I liked how the crown of his head blazed in the morning sunlight.

The Pileated was pretty quiet for much of the time.  I heard his "thunk, thunk, thunk" as he worked on this snag.

He circled around the snag several times.

If you look closely at this photo, you can see that his throat area has expanded.  In this photo he was 'talking' - sharing his manic laughter with the natural world.


  1. Wow, you look so close to him. I love roadrunners for the same reason, they look like they are prehistoric.

  2. Love the new start and woody is gorgeous...thanks for another lovely walk.

  3. Wonderful pictures of Woody Woodpecker! Great new start too!

  4. lovely pictures..and beautiful stitching xxx

  5. I don't think we have the same kind of woodpeckers here in AZ, but we have a red-headed woodpecker that loves to eat bugs out of our palm trees.

  6. oooo he is cute isn't he .. we don't have any woodpeckers of any sort near the mouse house :( love mouse xxxx

  7. I've been watching a couple different types of woodpeckers this week as well as nuthatches working on all the nearby trees.

    Love the L*K start too.

  8. I've been watching a couple different types of woodpeckers this week as well as nuthatches working on all the nearby trees.

    Love the L*K start too.


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