Friday, October 12, 2012

Another Friday Framed Finish

Continuing with my Frame a Rabbit theme, I took in Ewe & Eye & Friend's "Brown Bunny" to be finished. 

We decided on a very plain brown frame wit a bit of a metallic finish. 

As the sampler is a bit busy, I thought a simple frame would be best.

I think it sets off the piece nicely...and so does the brown bunny.

As you can see, mornings are colder now.
Even the 'long-hair' prefers the warmth of a Mexican blanket.

And the morning sun is taking longer to arrive.
First it alights on the tall hill to the west...

...then it hits our trees down by Dorothy's Creek, before it finally lights up our backyard and patio.

Further proof of cool mornings: Puffy Quail!

The young females are all puffed up using their natural down insulation.
I need to follow their example and stop wearing flip-flops in the morning. 
I have Popsicle toes! 


  1. The brown bunny sampler looks great.
    Not me, I have been wearing my red, fuzzy, warm slippers. ;)

  2. I love the use of algerian eyelets.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend xx

  3. Lovely framed finish! Love the quails. Definitely cold in the mornings!

  4. What a nice frame for this one! Cooler mornings here now too.

  5. very cute finish deary and lovely view..
    hugs xxx

  6. Brown bunny looks great. I agree about the frame. We are getting rain this week-end! Yea!

  7. Sweet finish! Love the frame, too.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Such an adorable piece, Beth, and the simple frame is perfect!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.