Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What's Blooming Now?

Design - "Stay Up Late" (Halloween Rules - Double Flip)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count Amber linen
Fibers - DMC & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 October 2012
Completed - 11 October 2012

This stitch is the perfect companion for a rainy evening or two.  Great fun and fast with a nice use of color.

Speaking of color... 

Even in mid-October there's still color in my garden.
My current favorite is this Salvia mexicana "Limelight".  It requires a late frost date as it does not even come into bloom until October. 

And Salvia elegans "Pineapple Sage" has finally come into its own.

Boy is this Echeveria ever happy!  It has formed two large side babies.  I'm going to have to repot it before settling it into the greenhouse for the winter.

Finally!  Finally the Fuchsias have come into their own.  I've been disappointed with their bloom production this summer.  Apparently this gardening year, October is also Fuchsia Month (instead of June/July).  The changes and variations from year to year are what makes gardening frustrating interesting!  

Further proof that October is Fuchsia Month!

We still have getting solid tomato production too. 

And it is perfect Pansy / Viola weather. 

It is also time for me to 'winterize' the Front Porch and Back Patio plants.  These ferns will become houseplants and spend the next few months inside my father's heated shop.  Thanks Dad! 

One more photo of Salvia mexicana 'Limelight' - it's a Show Stopper!  I did successfully over-winter it last year - we'll see what happens this winter. 


  1. Another adorable owl finish, Beth!

    Good luck with your winterizing--sure wish I had you here to give me some tips :)

  2. We are the same! Our fuchsias are looking stunning at the moment. I was cursing them for about the last 2 or 3 months for not doing anything!!

  3. You've still got a lovely mix of colour for this time of year. Over here it's mostly the colours of autumn that can be seen.

  4. Hi Beth - I love your blog and read it every day. I have seen gorgeous pansies for sale and the local nurseries and stores, and am wondering whether they will overwinter, or will they die and have to replaced in the spring? I figure you might know the answer!! Thanks for sharing. Best, Kate (kcarr@schwabe.com)

  5. Your lucky that you still have such awesome flowers. Wish I was still getting tomatoes too. I just can't get enough fresh tomatoes.

    Love your Staying Up Late finish! Owls are some of my favorite birds. I have so many owl designs to stitch I could probably stitch one a day for at least a year!

  6. sweet finish..and Good luck with your winterizing..
    hugs xxx

  7. Very cute little owl finish!
    Fuschsias are one of my favs in the garden. Love how their blooms look like little alien ship pods or something.


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