Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ummm Yeah...

I haven't started stitching anything "owlish" yet as I'm still working on my September Garden Stitching projects including this Country Cottage Needlework's "Bumblebee".

And speaking of gardening...

Down to Earth and Gray's both have display with lots of bulbs. 
I still haven't gotten around to planting the bulbs I purchased a couple of weeks ago.  

I liked this seasonal splash of color.

Suddenly there are Chrysanthemums everywhere!

And Shallots and Garlic to plant.

Lots of Asters too.

And Pumpkins...who can resist a hill of pumpkins? 


  1. Hey Beth!
    Lovely pics. I love your header for the month. I love your header every month.
    Rich and I are enjoying Portland! What a wonderful part o the country!

  2. Nice WIP, Beth! That hill of pumpkins looks so nice! I want to try roasting my own pumpkin seeds this year whenever a pumpkin appears in the grocery stores here. I haven't done that since I was a young whippersnapper.

    Love the blog header!

  3. hello deary...
    sweet wip..
    Lovely pics. I love your header for so much..
    big hugs xxx

  4. Bumblebees are so appealing. I like the mix of shapes in the pumpkin stack.

  5. Those pumpkins are beautiful! Can't wait to see more of the bee!

  6. The pumpkins are sure abundant around here this year! I'm not looking forward to the cold fall and winter weather, but I sure love to watch the color changes, the fall flowers popping open, the gourds and pumpkins everywhere and the farmers bringing in the harvest.

    Can't wait to see Bumblebee when it's finished.

  7. Looks like a very nice nursery. It's always fun to shop at places like that.


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