Monday, October 1, 2012

The October Blog Header Decoded

The October Blog Header!
Designers and Designers outlined below (vertical rows).

Row One: Raise the Roof, "Halloween Pin Garden"; Homespun Elegance, "Spooky"; Heart in Hand, "Autumn Alphabet".

Row Two: Amy Bruecken Designs, "Punkin Spider"; Amy Bruecken Designs, "Punkin Crow"; The Prairie Schooler, Chart - "Autumn Leaves" - Design "Autumn Pumpkin".

Row Three: Bent Creek, "October Curls"; Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Calendar - October"; Heart in Hand, "Pumpkin Hill".

Row Four: Lizzie Kate, Chart - "Eek Boo Hiss" - Design - "Hiss"; Homespun Elegance, "Boo Tyme". 

No wonder I feel like I have hawks everywhere!
The other morning there were three hanging around - two of them in the same tree.

That didn't last long as neither was happy with the other's presence.

These small hawks are either Cooper's Hawks or Sharp-shinned Hawks.  I'm leaning toward Sharp-shinned as their tails are square tipped.  Doesn't this fellow look extremely intelligent?

I saw this group of wild Turkeys about half a mile from our house.  Even though the 'babies' are almost full grown, Mama Turkey (on the left) is every vigilant.

Finally, an Anna's Hummingbird that sat still for a couple of minutes and let me get close enough to take a decent picture!

While we have Canada Geese and Cackling Geese as year-round residents, there are still some Serious Migrating Geese out there like this large skein. 


  1. Love your October header. Very nice pics of the birds too -- so many kinds!

  2. The header is beautiful!! And so are your birds and hawks. :) I am also surrounded by many hawks (and owls, eagles, turkey vultures...) and birds and could sit and watch them all day long!

  3. Ah, we only share one pumpkin this month. :) LOVE the pics of the hawks. I love hawks - the intelligence just eeks from them!

  4. My comment is live in such a wonderful place. All the birds and other visitors, I have one hawk that visits here in the city ( cooper )..once last winter making a ' hit' at my feeder...with success but that is nature and heck my young cat make a 'hit yesterday' and he is wearing bells this bird must have been deaf! I so enjoy your photos and your stitching is great.

  5. Love your October header so much.. Very nice pics of the birds too..
    love for you xxx

  6. Your new header is a lovely mix for this time of year. A great selection of bird photos today but my out and out favourite is the geese. There is something magical about seeing the geese fly in formation.

  7. A skein of geese?? Interesting choice of words. October Curls is my fave this time... I feel Yet another hunt coming on!! Hugs!

  8. Cute October header! Love the birds, don't think I have ever seen such a long V formation, amazing!

  9. What a lovely new header. All of the Halloween designs are great!

  10. Love the October header! I think my favorite piece is October Curls - too cute!


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