Thursday, September 27, 2012

Serendipity in Stitching and Birding

Design - "Sow Four Seeds"
Chart - "As the Crow Flies" #170
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 September 2012
Completed - 26 September 2012

My stitching lately has been so very pleasant - serendipitous really. 
I very much enjoyed stitching this Prairie Schooler design and derived a lot of pleasure while doing so.  I like everything about it: the crows, the strawberries, the flowers, the seed packet, the saying, the border.
Really, really pleased with how it stitch up.

I had a serendipitous experience in the Natural World too!
Monday morning I was outside working at my potting bench when I heard the unmistakable manic cry of a Pileated Woodpecker.   And there he was, perched on a tree right next to me.  My camera was at hand and I got several good photos. 

I did not immediately notice that the Pileated Woodpecker chose to light in a tree next to a small hawk.  Pileateds are big birds, 16"-19" tall.  He was much larger than the hawk. 

He paid no attention to the hawk, and shortly after this photo was taken, the hawk ceded ground and flew away.

The woodpecker worked on a large cavity in the tree.

The hole was deep enough that his beak disappeared.

When not busy rat-a-tat-tat-tatting, the Pileated spent some time grooming his feathers - that's why they are all ruffled in this photo.  He hung around for 15 minutes or so, much to my delight! 
Serendipous - an unexpected pleasure for sure! 
If you'd like to hear Woody Woodpecker in action, you can listen to one here.


  1. Loooove the finish! And the woodpecker -- so cool! It really is neat to see the size difference between the woodpecker and the hawk!

  2. Great photos ! Love prairie schooler !

  3. Amazing looking bird - and I adore your stitch!

  4. aww super cute finish,,i love it so much..
    lovely pictures..
    hugs xxx

  5. Lovely stitched piece, very neat indeed. The ruffled feathers photo made me smile, he's such a big bird with a lovely red top on his head.

  6. Adorable finish, Beth! I love PS stitching more than any other--I call it my "comfort stitching." You always know what to expect and the colors are so perfect together.

    Great shots of the woodpecker--have never heard a bird like that around here :)

  7. Love your PS finish and what nice pics!

  8. Wow, I had no idea that woodpeckers are that big! I loved the pictures--seeing it next to the hawk put it in context.

    Congratulations on the finish! That's on my short list to stitch, too. I know some people don't like them, but I love crows.

  9. Great finish, I love the one crow sprinkling the seeds. And amazing photos of the woodpecker, I never knew they were that big.

  10. Whoa. That is a big woodpecker. Like, REALLY big. 0_o

    Another great finish!!!! :)

  11. Sow Four Seeds is adorable!

    Your bird pics are awesome. I wish I could bird watch at your house with you.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.