Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Framed Finish and More Baskets

My Mom finished stitching "Patriotic Sampling" by Cricket Collection back in July.
She took it in to be framed in August as an addition to her "Red, White & Blue" Collection.

I think they did a wonderful job.  The simple blue-gray frame picks up the color of the house. 

Here's how she has it displayed.

I went downtown and again was amazed at how lovely all the plantings are.

Besides hangin baskets, there are lots of large planters overflowing with petunias and sweet potato vines. 

They are impressive displays with not one spent bloom in sight.

I think this is my favorite.

This group is in front of the Eugene Public Library.

Here's one of the reasons the baskets look so good.  This woman watered the baskets and planters, tidying up the foliage as she went along.


  1. She's getting paid to have fun! I worked in a garden center before I fell and permanently injured myself. I loved it. =)

  2. Your mom's piece turned out so cute--I just love those little chairs she has displayed with it!

  3. The framed piece looks great. Your flowers are beautiful.

  4. The framed piece looks sweet.. Your flowers are so beautiful.
    hugs xxx

  5. The framed piece is so beautiful.
    And the flowers are fantastic.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  6. Mommer's piece looks great. Just perfectly displayed too.

  7. Your mum's stitched piece is so crisp and fresh looking. The flowers are amazing for this time of year.

  8. Oh, those flowers look lovely! The leaves are starting to fall here. The flowers won't last much longer, but we're so happy to have cooler temperatures!

  9. What a cute finish by your mum! I can't believe how much colour you still have. It's all starting to fade here.


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