Monday, September 10, 2012

Bunnies and Birds

Here's a look at "The Rabbit Alphabet".  It's divided into something like six sections, and I've finished stitching the first section.  The linen is Antique white I don't know why it looks so blue.  I'll post again when I have another section done.

Parvati enjoys patrolling outside.  She thinks she is a honorary member of the Audubon Society and has some photos to share.

Parvati tallied the Quail - we had 17 on Sunday.

She counted Goldfinches - over 40 of 'em!

She's noticed that there are still a couple of pesky Band-tailed Pigeons hanging around.

Here's a feather as further proof!

Parvati would like a closer look at a Great Blue Heron... 

...and she yearns to swat a Hummingbird - thus far to no avail!


  1. These birds surely keep Parvati and her brothers busy. At least at my place the birds are the best tv program for our cats (plus Jack Russel)
    Your Rabbit Sampler looks great. Love it

  2. What a nice WIP, enjoyed your other pictures too!

  3. Cute WIP! Love the pics as well -- the hummingbird one is wonderful!

  4. lovely wip..
    and sweet pictures..
    hugs for you xxx

  5. Blue! And bunnies! You couldn't ask for a nicer combination :)

  6. I stitched this one also. I love dem bunnies. I used the red/pink color. Love the blue too. The other pics are great too.

  7. Your new project looks great. I like the blue color.

  8. Nice WIP! Parvati is too cute--love the bird photos!

  9. Your bird pictures are just amazing, Beth--that hummingbird one in particular--wow! And Parvati is always a heavy hitter in your posts!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.