Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Return to Nature

I've been posting exclusively about cross stitch and gardening the past few days.  It's time to take a look at the Critters who've been around this week.

First off, especially for Ann at Beadlework, here's a male Flicker working at my suet feeder. 

I've seen as many as three Gray Squirrels eating sunflower seeds.

Finally I'm able to share some Hummingbird photos too.

They love the blossoms on this Aloe plant.

But they dart about so quickly, I've had a difficult time getting off a shot.

I'm still seeing up to five pairs of California Quail...

...and up to four Evening Grosbeak guys.  Never more than two gals though...

Despite two "near death incidents" this week (Bad Tom-Cat!), the chipmunks continue to come up on the Back Porch and hide out in our small wood crib. 

The male Gold Finches vary in the amount yellow they have.  This guy needs to work harder on his plumage... 

...this is what he is striving for!


  1. I love all of your bird pictures!

    Enjoy your weekend. :)

  2. Lovely critter photos! I especially love the ones of the birds. What kind of camera do you have?

    Re your last post - lovely finish on your cross stitch piece, and I love all the flowers/plants!

  3. Thank you Beth for the gorgeous close up of the flicker.
    He is such a handsome fellow. Your "near death incident" made me smile but not if I'd been there. The difference in the amount of yellow plumage on the two male gold finches was striking when seeing them together.

  4. Wow! I was convinced that the first picture was of a statue of the bird, amazing clarity in that photo! Thanks for the wildlife viewing!

  5. Great flicker photo (pun intended, I guess). What a blotchy goldfinch. I don't think I ever saw anything like that. The other guy is stunning.

    I hope you gave Tom a good talking to!

    Are you using a long lens, hiding out, just being do you get so many really good bird pix?


  6. Love the critter photos!! Your hummingbird pictures are amazing!

  7. Amazing how different the goldfinches look! I just love it when I can spot one in my yard...And the Flicker is stunning, Beth--you really do have such wonderful wildlife surrounding you.

  8. I just had a humming bird scream at me a few days ago for sitting right under the feeder. It still didn't stop him from eating!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.