Friday, June 8, 2012

Buzzing Along

Design - "Bee Ye Humble"
Designer - Pine Mountain Designs
Fabric - 32 count Wichelt linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 June 2012
Completed - 7 June 2012

This kit came with a tuck pillow, creating an Instant Finish!  

Besides cross stitch, the design used Satin, Herringbone, and Double Leviathan stitches.

The bees would like to have visited Ferguson's Fragrant Nursery.

They had a small, but nice display garden ringing around their nursery.

I'm a Big Fan of Gunneras.

I didn't ever see what this bulb was - an Amaryllis maybe - anyway it's lovely.

Several members of our group walked away (after paying) with these monstrously large delphiniums.  The plants rode in the bus, carefully seat-belted so they would not fall over.  

As you can see I found a plant or two myself...
Fuchsias, Coleus, Salvias, and Calibrachoas.

 I'm proud to say I got everything potted up promptly too!


  1. Ha ha--am laughing at the image of the delphiniums in seat belts, Beth :)

    Love your latest bee finish--what a cute little pillow. Have a relaxing weekend!

  2. Love your finish -- so cute! So gratifying to have an instant finish. I can see you love to garden. Everything is so pretty!

  3. Love that turned out so cute! The bulb is an amarilis I looks like the ones my MIL gave us...we have them in our garden...they are wonderful this time of year...the bulbs are huge! All of your pottings look great!!

  4. You got some beautiful flowers! Love the mental image of the delphiniums belted in. Love the cross stitch piece. I have that same little ceramic bee skep in my sewing room!

  5. Darling stitched piece and stitched sooo quickly - amazing! Looks like a great "fieldtrip" for you and your gardening friends. At first I thought your mystery plant was a daylily, but I think Linda is right in that it is an amarylis - beautiful and usually very fragrant.

  6. oooo well done on the finish :) love your flower photos ... think it might be a strumpet lily think that is the right name as it has stamens on it ....
    lovely potting up too ... think I need to borrow you for my wee garden
    love mouse xxxxx

  7. A really cute bee pillow!!The delphiniums are to die for!

  8. A really cute bee pillow!!The delphiniums are to die for!

  9. Congrats on the super cute Bee finish!

    More lovely flowers too! I never get tired of flowers, wildlife and birds.

  10. What a fun finish Beth and what an array of beautiful colours with your plants. My garden is completely sodden after several days of constant rain. The poor plants are struggling to give a colourful show!!

  11. What a sweet finish, Beth! I love bees--in stitching. Not so much when they could possibly sting me. ;) Your flowers look wonderful!

  12. Very cute finish Beth, I love all the specialty stitches.

  13. I love this one...the snap bees are genius! Congrats on the finish. =)

  14. Love this piece!!!!! Totally predictable of me, I know, but there you go. We are in crisis mode this week with the bees because the queens (from BOTH hives) have taken off for parts unknown. Replacements coming in today so hopefully they are accepted and that is the end of that.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.