Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Thoughts

Design - "Honey Label"
Designer - Cedar Hills
Fabric - 28 count natural linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 June 2012
Completed - 9 June 2012

Isn't it interesting how different the same pattern can look when stitched on different fabric?  My mother stitched the above photo several years ago.  She used an 18 count cream Aida.

If you compare the two photographs, you'll see that I messed up early on (row #4!).  I had to redesign the skep a bit, and then widen the label outline to accommodate my error.

It would appear that our Ali-Baba fountain is the place to get a drink - feathered or furry.

So see the squirrel baffle atop the bird feeder?
See the squirrel, who by jumping directly from the tree to the top of the feeder has circumvented the baffle? 
So who is smarter...the people who designed the baffle or the squirrels? 

Eating from the problem!

Now that Tom-Cat is done drinking, this House Finch decided to stop by.

Lurking above in the Big Leaf Maple, the Band Tailed Pigeons gather.

Ephemeral is the only way to describe this blossom.

It's "Patty's Plum" an Oriental Poppy hybrid.  It burst open to full bloom this morning, and by this evening had dropped all but one of its petals. 


  1. Oh my gosh Patty's Plum is gorgeous! The baffle seems to make a nice little sun umbrella don't you think? ;)

  2. It really is amazing at how different those two pieces look - go figure. What I don't have to figure is that the squirrel is the smarter of that pair - LOL! That Patty's Plum is incredible, but so sad that it only lasts one day...

  3. Nice finish! It really does make a difference what fabric one uses, doesn't it?

  4. its funny that you have both stitched the same piece

    oooo those squirrels are funny and very intelligent too ... lovely photos of the birds and that poppy is gorgeous :)
    love mouse xxxxx

  5. Squirrels are smart little cookies are they not. The petals of the flower looks as though they are made of paper, just gorgeous.

  6. Your honey piece is very cute, Beth--it really is interesting how your fabric choice can make such a difference...

    The Oriental poppy is glorious!! It almost looks like it is made of paper. And what a color!

  7. That poppy is breath taking! They usually last more than a day, don't they. Or is it the nature of that particular kind? Good thing you captured your beautiful photos.

    Squirrels are cool, too. Not as cute as chips, but smarter...except when crossing the street. :-(



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