Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Garden Whimsey - Part One

Design - "Bee Skep"
Chart - "Budding Littles"
Designer - Hollis Designs
Fabric - 32 count Sandstone linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 June 2012
Completed - 10 June 2012

A sweet little bee skep!

Time to head over to an Oregon Cottage for the Tuesday Garden Party.

What do Gardeners do when they aren't gardening? 
They look at garden catalogues, read garden books, buy garden plants...

...and they take great delight in visit other gardens!
On Saturday and Sunday I visited six area gardens.  There were large gardens and small gardens, city gardens and country gardens.  But one thing they all seemed to have was a individual sense of style.  Each was singular in its own way - unique to the people who tend and love it.
One garden was awash in glass ornaments...

..and bunnies.

Another garden used rusted art as its particular style.

Further bunnies!

I think this was my favorite whimsical element of all.  The little stream is only about 8" wide - the fish ornament no more than 5'' tall - so charming!

Close by, Frodo Frog watched.

A Garden Spirit?

This is a Hobbit House!  Click on the photo to see the wonderful frog door-pull.

The garden also had a lovely Labyrinth.  Such a thoughtful and restful place to visit. 

I have more garden photos to share - I'll do so on Thursday's post. 


  1. Garden tours are so much fun and can really be inspiring. It looks as if you saw some great gardens...lucky you!

  2. I was not able to leave comments into your previous posts.

    So, I am here again to convey my admiration to all pictures of lovely gardens and wild animals as well as beautiful stitching works...

  3. Oh, how much fun to visit other gardens! Thanks for sharing those photos!

  4. I love garden tours...isn't it amazing how creative we all are?? The fish is fantastic. =)

  5. Love your bee skep -- and those garden ornaments are all wonderful!

  6. Your bee skep is darling! Thanks for taking us on the garden tour!

  7. Hi Beth, I do love garden tours. Thanks for sharing all those great photos!!

  8. Hello Beth: I love the bee skep! I also love all of these interesting garden decorations--very clever the fish going "upstream"! Loved the garden spirit, too.

  9. Interesting garden decor. I really like that funny bunny.

  10. What a nice way to spend a weekend! We had a county wide garden walk here last weekend also, but they didn't allow photos to be taken.

    Still, it was a beautiful afternoon!

  11. Would love to go on a garden tour! I always seem to miss them with our schedule!

  12. I love the rusted ornaments.

    An art museum near us has a similar labyrinth. I think it's set up inside the remains of an old building or something else with circular stone walls. Definitely a place I want to revisit.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.