Thursday, June 14, 2012

Garden Whimsey - Part Two

Oh I'd be done by now with "Chicken Sampler", but I used the wrong color of Anchor floss.  I got the correct color - tried it out on Chicken #6 and liked it better  - it is a softer color.  So now it's Redo Chicken #1 Time.

Each of the gardens I visited had it's own personality.
Plant choice, and hardscape, and "Art Elements" combined to create unique gardens styles.
This gardener was not afraid of color and this bench illustrated that point nicely.

Every garden I visited had bird feeders, bird baths, and bird houses.

Look!  An African Tribal Mask!  Or is it? 

Do you think this frog is after...

...this ginormous mosquito?

A metal dragonfly.

Isn't this garden gate wonderful?  The property has belonged to the same family for 100 years.  The gate is composed of old tools that belonged to the great-uncle of the current owner. 

Another frog!

I mentioned birds earlier...this garden even had a peacock!

I would have to agree. 
I hope you enjoyed the Garden Tour.


  1. How lovely to look at such a post in a terribly hot day which we have over here!!

    Your post made me so cooled and enjoyed. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your chickens are adorable! I think it's a good thing I don't garden. I can see I would go crazy wanting to buy chatchkas for the garden if I did. Love all the pretty items!

  3. That garden gate is fantastic! How cool to use the uncle's implements!!

  4. ooooo nice chickens and love the wee tour today ... that bird house is lovely and the red bench is perfect to rest my weary paws on :) love mouse xxxxx

  5. The chickens look great, it's a pity though that you're having to change a colour. I love the colourful bench, very unusual.

  6. I just love your chickens!!As usual, I so enjoy your garden tours. They are starting up here too!


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