Friday, June 15, 2012

The Bee's Knees

Design - "Alpha Mania - B"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Clay linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 12 June 2012
Completed - 13 June 2012 

This little bee came together much faster than I'd anticipated.  An easy and straightforward stitch, I finished it up in a couple of evenings.  I think my blog post title says it all!

 The pump was failing in our Ali-Baba fountain.  We cleaned it out, and the pump began working once again.  Now the fountain gurgles quite merrily.
It was a cause for concern and great curiosity!

 Tuesday evening we had lovely light on a distant hill as the sun began to set.

The clouds were pretty too.

I've had a couple of new visitors!
On Tuesday evening, and then again on Wednesday evening this pair showed up for a few minutes. 

They are Cedar Waxwings - such smart looking birds.  

They eat fruit and berries, and do not come to any of my feeders.
  I don't know why they've come by the house, but I'm sure enjoying having them around. Last year I saw a group of Cedar Waxwings working away in the forest - you can see those photos here.


  1. The tree and the clouds pictures are stunning!!

  2. Unusual looking birds - love their eye masks & smart hairdo! looks like your pussycat wants to play with your water fountain -

  3. Your bee turned out nicely. It did go quick just as you thought it would too!

  4. Beautiful photos of the sky and what truly bonnie birds those waxwings are.

  5. Great CW pix! I don't think I've ever seen one.

    Your bee is cute, and she does have some knees there!

    What are the yellow trees? Or is that an illusion or a lighting trick? Beautiful.


  6. Pretty bee! What an interesting effect the sun put into the trees and clouds. I've never seen that before. And those soft they look. I did giggle at their masks...the old batman theme ran through my head. LOL

  7. Beautiful pictures , and a great finish .X

  8. ooooo gorgeous photos :)
    love the wee bee too :)
    and those birds are lovely as well :)
    love mouse xxxx

  9. What cute little birds!! Cedar Waxwings. I don't believe I've ever heard of them before. They have a great little swoosh on the head, like a cardinal.

  10. Beautiful pictures especially of the sun! Your bee looks so cute!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.