Monday, May 21, 2012

Will This Ark Get Built Before The Flood?

Boy-howdy have I been busy the past four days!

What with Spring Cleaning and Seasonal Gardening Frenzy, there has been little time to stitch.  As the weather is to change today to rain, and rain for the next several days, there is an imperative to continue work on the Ark!  Here's an update on "Noah's Sampler".  

Sunday morning my sister and I drove out Seavey Loop way to attend the Mount Pisgah Arboretum Wildflower and Music Festival.

The festival is the main fundraiser for the arboretum.

This vendor sold hand-dyed silk scarves.  All the many colors above were made using mushrooms!  How cool is that?

This Douglas Fir Tree Round charts the growth of a tree through its rings.  The tree began life in 1534, and sadly, was cut down by a vandal in 1985 - over 450 years later. 

The festival had music and food and vendors...

...but most interesting to me was the large display of over 300 botanical specimens. 

Lane Community College botany students and the Native Plant Society put together a wonderful display of wildflowers, trees, shrubs, and grasses.  I took lots of photos: first of a plant, then the identification card.  I was able to find names for a couple of my mystery wildflowers. 

This is a bouquet of Oregon's wild azalea.

Mount Pisgah is so pretty this time of year.
Green, green, green. 

The many White Oaks were bright green with new leaves.

Flush with wildflower information, I was pleased to find this white sport of our Blue Oregon Iris (Iris tenax) when we returned home.

I spent the afternoon and evening working outside.  I got the Front Porch plants ready to stage.  Rain is due to arrive this afternoon, but I can work comfortably on the Front Porch even if it is raining.  


  1. I like your ark so far. And those hand dyed silk scarves -- yum!

  2. Well, you've been busy Beth! Congrats on getting all your power washing done! We are having lots of rain now so I'm glad I got the little veggies planted on Saturday.

    That festival looked like a lot of fun. Those silk scarves are amazing in the range of colours.

    Have fun finishing your ark!

  3. If you are having weather like ours, you better be quick with that ark!!Thanks for the great pictures of the festival! It looks like lots of fun!

  4. I've been out of town and am just catching up on everyone's blogs, Beth! Looks like you've been busy between stitching, power washing, tempting us with baked goods, and attending festivals :) Whew!

    Your house looks great all spruced up and your newest Noah sampler is adorable... Glad you've found some time for fun in between all the busyness that springtime brings :)

  5. Oh my goodness, the scarves!!! I've never heard of dying with mushrooms before. Whoa. Mind......blown...Heheh.


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