Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Spring Green Theme

I so enjoyed stitching Ewe & Eye & Friend's monochromatic "Brown Bunny".  When I found Erica Michael's chart "Random Thoughts of Spring" it seemed like a perfect complement to BB.  Random Thoughts is stitched on 40 count linen using WDW's Scuppernong  Be still my heart!  I kitted it up.
Keeping with the "Green Spring" theme, Tuesday is Garden Party Day over at an Oregon Cottage. Here's my report...

Saturday was a perfect day to go plant shopping.  My mother and I were at the Oregon Plant Fair by 9:00am 

Sebright Gardens was there with wonderful ferns and hostas.

Wholesale nursery Log House Plants had annuals and veggies for sale. 

One vendor was all about heaths and heathers.  Another specialized in ferns.  Several garden clubs had super plants and 'give away' prices. 
After buying three flats of plants, we drove over to the Hardy Plant Sale and I bought a bird house and a couple of native plants.  Then we were off to a local nursery to fill in some "still need" on my gardening list.

That made for an exhausting day!

Sunday I organized my seven flats - sedums and sempervivums. 

Fuchsias and coleus.

Begonias and primroses.

Dwarf conifers and a dwarf maple, and sundry ferns.


Monday morning I planted up my ferns and fuchsias (and a couple of small hostas).

Monday evening I planted up my coleus...

and dwarf trees.

I should easily finish up by the end of this week - just in time to buy more plants come the weekend!  


  1. Oh, what fun--and how beautiful everything looks in your containers! I am on a succulent and hosta kick at the moment--there's a little sale on Saturday, and I hope to pick some (more!) up for containers.

  2. You've been really busy, very rewarding work.

  3. Pretty new start! What a lot of plants -- sounds like it was a great sale!

  4. Scuppernong's a great color!!

    Lovely acquisitions you made. =) We saw a LOT of hostas on Sunday...even one that had one tiny bloom open.

  5. I just ordered the Erica Michaels piece...it looks like a cute little stitch.

    The plant fair looked nice. Love the different sedum.


  6. Whoa, that's a lot of serious garden purchases there! Wonderful! You will be very very busy but such rewards you will get for your hard work! have fun!

  7. What an amazing day of plant shopping!! Now comes the work of planting. If you have had our weather, it will be a pleasure!

  8. Awesome plant 'stashing'!!! Hehe.

  9. I am a first time visitor, I love your blog. Great purchases, you hit the mother load. It sounds like a fun trip, I will try to join your party next week. Thanks for sharing
    drop by for a visit. kathy


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.