Monday, May 14, 2012

A Quiet Day

Design - "Rooster Strut"
Designer - Meme's Quilts
Fabric - 32 count R & R 18th Century Brown
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 May 2012
Completed - 13 May 2012
I have another small Meme's Quilt rooster design somewhere- I'll have to look for it.

After a busy weekend, I think today will be a quiet day. 

I need to sit back and enjoy the wildflowers...

and the Fat and Furries...

and the birds large and small...

and take time to greet the newest member of our family.
My father's Mother's Day gift to my Mom - it's none other than Norman Gnome!

I hope you have a quietly pretty day.


  1. Lovely rooster :) welcome to the coop.

    Photos are very nice as usual! I do like your style of photography in capturing moments with colors and details.

    Wishing you a great week and thanks for sharing.

  2. That little rooster just makes me smile. Well done! I love the poppy picture. Another lovely thing that always makes me smile.

  3. The back stitching makes your design jump out - mind you I avoid it where I can.

  4. Fun rooster! Love the garden pics as well.

  5. I hope you're enjoying a fun and relaxing day, Beth! Your new little rooster finish sure is adorable :)

  6. Oooo, I love that strutting rooster! Actually, he looks like he is stomping over to tell someone off! Congrats on the finish.

    Sweet chipmunk and lovely pink poppy!

  7. What a cute little rooster! As usual, I love to see your photos of plants and animals-Norman is pretty cute too!

  8. Love the rooster and the colors. Cute.


  9. That poppy is beautiful!!

    Love your chip, bunny, and bird photos from Saturday. A friend and I were stitching on my patio Saturday and had a delightful time watching birds, bunnies, and chips. The chips seem very daring this year as far as coming up close.


  10. Hello

    I'm new to your blog.

    Your rooster finish is so sweet.
    I love your photos - especially the flowers.

  11. Your rooster is so very cute. LOVE it.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.