Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Market in May

Saturday morning was cold, but clear...
A perfect morning to head off to the Lane County Farmers' Market.

I needed energy and warmth, so began with Eggs Benedict from Hideaway Bakery. 

These are Pink Oyster Mushrooms - aren't they pretty?

Pleione Orchids are native to China.  They resemble my native Lady Slipper Orchids, but are larger.
New young Onions

More Onions...

English Peas

Pretty, pretty Iris

Fresh Asparagus


And the first hanging baskets of the season.
It was a good, busy day at the Market!


  1. I could make such wonderful dishes with those market products and how lovely those flowers would be in my garden (if I had one!!!!)

  2. Love your photos! I need to find a good farmer's market!

  3. Glad I had eaten before I saw breakfast- looks yummy....such pretty things at the market. Looking forward to more pictures.

  4. Those pink mushrooms are so pretty. Are they edible? I assume so if they are at the farmers' market. Beautiful iris too. Looks like you had fun.

  5. What a yummy looking breakfast! I have never seen pink mushrooms,they are very pretty!

  6. Yum! Great way to start the morning. What a wonderful market.

  7. The eggs look so delicious and the mushrooms don't look like mushrooms at all!

  8. What beauty you found at the market! Love those mushrooms. It's all yummy!

  9. What a crazy (and pretty!) mushroom! I've never seen those before. Wonder how they taste??


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