Saturday, May 5, 2012

Humming Right Along

I've not seen much of the Hummingbirds lately as it is the time of year the females nest.  Being Hummingbirds (fast) - it is only three weeks from the time the eggs hatch until the babies fledge.

Friday was gray and cold with intense rain showers.
This male Rufous hummingbird sought protection under the front porch.

He shook the water off his feathers. 

He contorted his neck (it looks like a swan's!) to do some grooming. 

A female Anna's Hummingbird came to the feeder.

As did this female Rufous (I think).  She has a spotted throat and brown tones on her chest. 

Lastly I spied this is a male Rufous with green-flecked wings.
Now I need to go out and refill the feeder!


  1. Great photos of these tiny, fast moving guys (and gals).
    Nice work!


  2. Thank you so much! Beautiful pics. We love them. :)

  3. What beautiful photos of the tiniest of God's creations :)

  4. Beautiful little birds! They can really keep you busy on the feeding front. :)

  5. You are such a fantastic photographer! I love seeing your photos of nature. The Hummers are beginning to come around here too. I've put out a couple feeders myself.

  6. I just love your pictures!! You have done a great job capturing these fast little birds!

  7. I just love the colours on the throat of the hummingbird in the first photo, nature at it's best.

  8. What great photos, Beth! What do you fill the hummingbird feeders with? Am thinking of getting my own this year :)

  9. I love the hummer pics. We only have the one type here in the east. We have lots of activity at our feeders in the summer.

  10. Inspiring! I may put up a feeder for them too! We are still being entertained by a family of house finches at our feeder, and I notice a dove feeding off what they drop on the ground! I need to check if the doves have a second brood coming along... heard them cooing yesterday, so there are some around... Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  11. Hummingbirds are so cool. Awesome photos, Beth.


  12. (I'm behind on blog reading...)
    Whoa! I have never seen a hummingbird cleaning himself...who knew they had those long necks??


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.