Saturday, April 7, 2012

Let's Get Ready for Easter

Do you have your Easter Bouquets yet?

How about Lilies?

Or Hydrangeas...

And look at these lovely cache pots of African Violets and other charming bloomers.

I'm sure Easter dinner is under control...but what about dessert?

A Bee Skep cake?

Chick and Egg brownies?

Chick cupcakes?  No?

The how about these darling Sheep cupcakes?

Or these cupcakes? 
Scary Big-Toothed Bunny cupcakes!  How does one chose?

On the elegant side - this wonderful Egg cake...

I think this Sweet Pea Egg cake was my favorite!

All photos taken at Market of Choice, 28th and Willamette, Eugene, OR


  1. The flowers are just beautiful, but those cupcakes really have me hungry to try somes.
    Happy Easter
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  2. There's so many lovely things for Easter and Spring. It's no wonder it cheers us all up after the greyness of winter.

  3. Wow! I wish I could make an elegant egg cake like that!

  4. What a delightful and lovely blog post!!! Plus it made me hungry!While I was gone the weeds took full advantage of my absence! I have been in the yard all afternoon! Have a very Happy Easter!

  5. ohhh gee thanks, was doing well not having any chocolate until I saw those heheheh.
    hope you have a lovely Easter Sunday :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. Oh, my, what a way to start my day--so many beautiful flowers and goodies! Happy Easter to you and your family, Beth :)

  7. Wow, pretty posies and fun, yummy baked goods. My faves are the sheep cupcakes and the beautiful egg cakes.


  8. What an amazing Market that you have at your disposal - lucky you!

  9. Whoa, what an array of colours! A treat for my eyes. That beehive is a cake?!?! It's lovely!


  10. I'll take one of each, please! =)

    You really need to send the picture of the scary big-toothed bunnies in to Cake Wrecks!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.