Thursday, April 12, 2012

Back to Birds and Noah

I've picked out my next Noah Stitch.  The design is on the upper left of the photo.
The chart is "Folk Art Favorites" from Designs by Charlotte.

Back to birds...
As I walked through the Barnes & Noble parking lot the other day, I heard an unmistakeable sound...

I looked up at this tree - tip-top on the right...

and spied this Hummingbird chattering away.

As big as the tree was, as many blossoms as there were, apparently there was room for just one Hummingbird!

The female Downy Woodpecker has been a regular visitor to the peanut feeder.

This Robin sang a cheery "Blue Sky Song".

I walked over to the quarry pond the other day, and got a glimpse of our Kingfisher couple.  This is the male.

And this is the female. 
If you look closely or click on the photo to enlarge it, you can see that she has a lovely brown band near her waist that the male does not have.
I just wish the Kingfishers did not always fly into a panic when confronted with humans.  I don't want to disturb them too frequently, as I'd like them to settle and nest. 


  1. I have never heard a hummingbird sing before! Can you describe what it sounds like?

    As always, great pictures!

  2. You've put me in the mood for Noah designs, I've just gone and ordered an old Prairie Schooler one online.

  3. Looks like another cute project you have on deck, Beth :)

    Love the bird photos as always--I got one the other day of this crazy robin who is attacking its reflection in our family room window... Will post it soon!

  4. A really cute Noah stitch! And, as usual, the bird photos are wonderful!

  5. A sweet little 'Noah' piece! Looks like you have all of your threads sorted out and ready to start stitching! Have fun...look forward to seeing your progress.

  6. I love your bird photos! Great new project, too. I love Noah's Ark stuff!

    Enjoy your weekend, Beth.

  7. Cute Noah!! Though, of course, I'm more partial to the bee hive there. Hehehehe. YOU KNOW I LOVES MAH BEES. :)


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