Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break

It's Spring Break for local schools and universities.
That means day after day of unremitting rain (usually).  

Fortunately I'm able to perk myself up a bit with these pretty spring stitches.
I used a couple of gift certificates and bought a new Lizzie Kate baby sampler(always useful), the JABCo's "Love Bird", Shakespeare's Peddler's "Spring at Bean Family Farm", and the GAST limited edition flosses, a SP limited edition kit "Spring", and a L*K limited edition kit, "Little Easter". The colors are all bright with the promise of Spring. 

Sunday morning was a Golden Crowned Sparrow day.
Look how puffy and downy this one is.

I had a crowd of 'em waiting impatiently for me to put out sunflower seeds.

Like other kinds of sparrows, they are pretty courageous and let me get close to them.
Junco - nothing more to say!

The male House Finches get more and more red. 

Do you think she thinks he is a handsome boy?


  1. I DO like the Lovebird design but so far I've resisted temptation. I don't stitch as quickly as you do - I often buy charts and they never see the light of day!!

  2. ohhh nice stash .... and no think she has fallen out with him love mouse xxxx

  3. I've been out of town and am just catching up with all of your blog posts from the past week, Beth. Looks like you had yourself a giant snow storm out there! Poor birdies :(

    I love your new spring stash--certainly a cure for the rainy day blues!

  4. What great new STASH... that would brighten things up indeed!! Love all the pics of your little feathered friends too :^)

  5. Nice new stash!!! Great birdie pics too. :D

  6. You picked up some great stash. Hopefully you're not getting tons of rain, but that's usually when it happens, right?

  7. I agree...great stash! We got 2 days of constant rain and wind, but today is turning out nice. We have a ton of the red and orange house finches here...I love watching them scamper about the yard!

  8. Oooh... Lovely spring designs. The Lovebird one especially is so cute.


  9. Amazing how boys and girls from the same species can be so different! Well, if I think of it, boys and girls are a prefect example :-) !!
    Love the new kits, especially the red bird!!
    Hugs and please keep feeding those beatiful birds, at least until cold stops!

  10. Absolutely love those finches!!! And I love that pile of stash you treated yourself to! Many nice days of stitching ahead for you!

  11. I love the bird pictures, especially the little one that is all fluffed up!

  12. I'll be looking for the golden crowned sparrow!


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