Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ideas for Spring

This morning - another skiff of snow on the ground!
Glad I'm not hunting for Easter eggs.

Before the Egg Hunt!

Design - "Egg Hunt" (kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - unknown - 28 count minty green of some sort
Fibers - WDW, GAST, and Threadgatherer - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 March 2012
Completed - on an extremely blustery, windy day and evening 12 March 2012

After the Egg Hunt!

I did not have WDW "Celebration" for the border, so I used Threadgatherer's "Winter Sky".  I think it made for a successful substitution.   

It's Tuesday, time for a Garden Party with Jami over at An Oregon Cottage.

On Sunday my sister and I went to Lane County Home and Garden Show.  It was a great place to get ideas and inspiration. 

As always, I'm more interested in 'Garden' than 'Home'!

Looking at these pastel bowls and glasses, I could imagine a wonderful Easter tablescape.

Plants - Tough old thyme - Buy some and plant it out now.

An adorable little birdhouse.

I loved the creativity of this sedum planting.

And while this water-feature was more than a little 'over-the-top" it was also engaging in a Disneylandish sort of way!  Who wouldn't be mesmerized by synchronized shooting jets of colored water?

Ah sedums - I am a Registered Super-Sucker for Sedums.

I really liked this sedum wreath - I bought a frame and instructions.  So I have my first Spring gardening project.

But before I get out in the garden again, I really, really, really, really, really need a pair of Bogs boots.  I'm taken to the pair on the left and the pair in the middle - choices!  Gardening is all about making choices. 


  1. I just love all the pastels at this time of year, too, Beth...Your egg hunt finish is adorable with the little "egg" buttons.

    Funny, but I was just thinking I need a pair of rubber boots of clogs to slip on when I'm outside. I'm not the gardener you are, but I do like to putter around out there now and then.

  2. Spring and Easter do walk hand in hand! The colours are inspiring!

  3. What a fun place! I would have walked out with a lot of stuff. That sedum wreath is soooo gorgeous!

  4. Love the before/after the egg hunt. =) What a great garden show! I'll take one of everything, please!

  5. ooo well done on the stitching front and your substitutions work lovely ... and gosh that water is fab and middle ones for me please ... looking forward to your sedum wreath too :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. I thought of you this morning when they showed the snow flying through your area on the news! It is not really Spring yet... guess Winter just won't let loose it's grasp on your area! Love the finished Easter Egg Hunt! The buttons truly make it perfect! We had a garden show in my area last weekend too... didn't go.. taxes time... Hugs!

  7. Your" egg hunt" is so cute! Those little buttons are great! Love your pictures of the home and garden show!Puts me in the mood to get outside. Too bad we had snow,rain,sleet and sun mixed with LOTS of wind today!

  8. Lovely stitching! That garden show must have been such fun. We did our first run across the lawn with the mower today--crazy how fast this year is going!

  9. I adore the sedum wreath, a great idea that has got me thinking.

  10. Egg hunt is just too cute, love the buttons as eggs
    I need a pair of those boots, too cool

  11. Cute boots! I would want a pair, too. Thanks for visiting and commenting over on my blog.

  12. I loved the cross-stitch, and the eggs! Thank you for including all of the cool pictures--we could live vicariously through you at the Garden Show. I love sedums as well--last year I got a few different varieties, and replanted some that I already owned, into a low and large round container. I did them in a kind of pizza style, and it looked nice when it was all filled in. Seems like I put some black mondo grass right in the center as well. It's so rainy here I have to cover the container with plastic over the winter, but so far it looks like everything survived! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment--I appreciate it!

  13. Another great finish! I love it!! I can't wait to see your sedum wreath - will you do a tutorial while making it?? And...I'll be odd girl out and choose the boots on the right! :D


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.