Monday, March 12, 2012

Cardinals and Other Birds

Design - "Wonderland" (kit)
Designer - The Trilogy
Fabric - 32 count Gray Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 17 February 2012
Completed - 9 March 2012

Well, I got "Wonderland" wrapped up this weekend.  With one strand over two threads the coverage is a little light, but I started out by trying two threads and felt that to be too bulky.  That's the problem with 32 count sometimes.

Speaking of birds, some of our longtime-gone guests have returned to the feeders once again.

I was so pleased to see my Yellow Rumped Warbler.
I've even stopped asking, "Where were you during the Great Backyard Bird Count?!"  No one gives me a straight answer anyway.

Popped off a nice shot of a Scrub Jay - begging - because that's what Jays do so well.

We've been "Flickerless" most of the Winter, so I was happy to see this fellow when he showed up Sunday afternoon at the suet feeder. 

Flickers are a member of the woodpecker family, but unlike other woodpeckers, they search for food on the ground.  My theory is that we had too many hawks this Winter.  As ground-feeders, Flickers were vulnerable to attack, and they chose to reside in less open areas on our property.

Their feather pattern is so lovely - this one looks like he is wearing downy tufted pantaloons. (It is a male - they have the red on their throat).

Ummm...not a bird, but still pretty cute!
Both of us - cute - that is!


  1. Another GREAT finish! You are on a roll! Loved your bird pics again! We had flickers in Virginia - I enjoyed them. The Scrub Jay looks like a bluebird! He's very pretty!

  2. I love the scarf on the cardinal - so cute! Great pictures - I never knew that flickers were polka dotted - cool!

  3. Beth,

    Congratulations on a great finish!

    The birds are such a treat to look at. That Jay knows he's a handsome fellow! Enjoy your beautiful vantage point.

  4. Your "Wonderland" piece is beautiful and great finished! Thanks for sharing all those beautiful bird pictures.

  5. "Wonderland" is just lovely! I have never seen a jay that color, so pretty. I have also not seen a Yellow Rumped Warber, thanks for sharing those great photos.

  6. Bonnie birds, a lovely variety visit your garden.

  7. You sure are finishing a lot of projects this year - congratulations. Your pictures are great again. The scrub jay is really beautiful, and the flicker is very handsome too. This summer I am really going to impress people with my bird knowledge thanks to you.

  8. oooo another cute finish and those birds are gorgeous with those lovely spots on their feathers ... and helloo bunnies can't forget you :) love mouse xxxxx

  9. Another adorable finish, Beth!! And I love that Flicker--really pretty birds. Again, I've never seen them around here. Why does PA have such boring birds :)

  10. Congrats on the finish; I love the fat cardinal! WDW is finicky for me sometimes...some colors seem thinner than others.

    Aw, pretty Flicker! We used to have Flickers when I lived in Mississippi. I have not seen any in GA. Great shot of the Scrub Jay!

  11. A very cute finish! Love all the pictures but especially the flicker!

  12. Love the cardinal, Beth. How many mittens have you done now.

  13. Cute finish!!!! I love love love cardinals. :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.