Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Design - "2008 Collector's Heart"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 February 2012
Completed - 12 February 2012

Market of Choice, our grocery store, took Valentine's Day to Heart!

Vases at the ready! Thought I think I might want the Unicorn pony to the left of the display...

Bouquets in seasonal colors...

Given the choice of flowers or chocolate...
Chocolate wins!

The Bakery display cases were filled with amazing creations. 

This cake was my favorite!

That French Casanova, Pepe le Pew!

Some of these confections are so pretty, I don't know how you could bring yourself to eat them...

What a pretty dessert tray one could create...

Love and chocolate - just like bread and butter!

Okay, the flowers were really, really pretty! 


  1. Pepe Le Pew is the man!!!!! Loved the cartoons on TV with him! That's the best Valentine cake possible and my choice if I had one to make! But a romantic candlelight dinner will do it for us, at home!
    Happy Valentine

  2. Such eye candy. Beautiful pictures and I just love Pepe!

  3. Thank you for the very Valentiiney photos!! Pepe sure is cute!

  4. The little heart button is a nice addition to this piece.
    The flowers are beautiful, and it seems everyone loves Pepe. :)

  5. ohhh pepe le pew ... the most romantic cartoon ever ..lol.. and wow those chocolates and cakes look gorgeous :)
    love mouse xxxx
    ps flowers are beautiful too ;)

  6. WOW!!! What an unbelievably talented pastry artist you have there!

    I'll take one unicorn as well, please. =)

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Thanks for sharing photos of all the Valentine's goodies, definitely too good to eat! Your stitching is lovely.

  8. Oh, I do love your heart. And I'm not sre if anything says Happy Valentine's like an amourous skunk.

  9. love that stitched piece....I think I am feeling the need for a quick & easy finish!!!

  10. Happy *much belated* Valentine's Day!
    That cake is like...............WOAH. I can't believe something that complex was in a grocery store bakery.


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