Friday, February 24, 2012

Ummm...Still More...

I hafta' - really!  "Three Hearts" by A Needle and Fred, has been calling me all month long.  I love that it uses violets and mauves, and blue and green - instead of the usual pink and red for the hearts.  It also uses beads which will provide a challenge for me - as if I need a stitching challenge.  Anyway, that's the way it's going to be!

The rain is supposed to return this afternoon, but thus far February has had more than its fair share of blue-sky days.   

A Rhododendron hybridizer brought all these little lovelies to a recent Hardy Plant Group meeting.

Gardeners also showed off their Witch Hazels...

...and Camellias.

At the Avid Gardeners' meeting on Tuesday, this small about to bloom Rhododendron waited to greet us.

The pine in the corner has quite the story to tell.  It is a Pinus contorta ‘Chief Joseph’.  The original plant was found by an elk-hunter one fall in the Wallowa Mountains.  The next spring he tried to find it again and could not, so he tried again the following fall, and found it.  He then realized the tree was yellow in the fall and winter, but green in the spring and summer.  It is hard to propagate so is an expensive tree - but boy - it sure is stunning!   

It's time to begin planting in Western Oregon!  Log House Nurseries brought several different kinds of peas to set out.  They'll take temperatures to 22F and keep right on growing.  My sister bought four pots of peas.  Spring is on the way! 


  1. Who's that chart by? It's so pretty, and I don't think I've ever seen it before!

  2. Love the heart pattern.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  3. Cute chart, but I thought you said no more starts - I guess you joined the dark side with the rest of us!! Planting already, we are still two months away from planting most things.

  4. We can really feel Spring coming going through your pictures!!!
    Have a nice weekend

  5. Very pretty chart! Hope you're right about Spring coming soon! Thanks for the great photos.

  6. Oooo, I love the colors in that heart chart...can't wait to see progress pics. :) I don't think I've ever seen a yellow evergreen....hmmm, is it still an evergreen if it's yellow???

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Three Hearts is so pretty! I love the colors.
    An interesting variety of plants. Love the pine and the story with it. I didn't realize pines changed colors with the seasons. :)

  9. ooo very nice new start ... had a peek at all the others .. trying to catch up after going away for the weekend :) gorgeous plants and lovely story re the tree .... won't ask the price love mouse xxxxx

  10. Yup--beads are going to get you in trouble! I lOVE peas grown from our gardens! When I grew them, they never made it into the house! I may try to grow them this spring... Hugs!

  11. Love your new start! Don't think I have ever seen it before! Loved the story behind the pine tree and think it's neat it turns that gorgeous yellow!!

  12. I love that red camellia. I headed out to look for some new varieties of hellebores that were mentioned in our newspaper. But the pouring rain drove me home! Maybe tomorrow!


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