Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hearts and Circles and Triangles

This is it!  And I mean it!
No more starts until something gets finished up around here.
In my defense, this SamSarah design, "Six Mittens in a Row" would be done (2 of the mittens anyway), but I'm missing Wasabi, the main mitten color.

Great Garden composition often repeats plant combinations and shapes.

At NW Garden Nursery I was taken with Circles and Triangles. 

An Agave...

A circular bunching grass.

A circular stone mosaic.

Another Agave.

And I'll end with these charming triangular shapes.
Simple yet so effect.  Like shapes and contrasting colors and textures.


  1. Agaves do well in our seaside garden. They are such lovely statement plants.

  2. Your pictures and our warmish weather make me excited to start planning my garden! :)

  3. Okay, you are excused - but no more starts!! LOL pictures are fantastic - I love the mosaic.

  4. What a good idea to consider shapes. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.


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