Saturday, February 11, 2012

Signs of Spring

As Valentine's Day approaches...

Signs of Spring appear!


Isn't this a pretty shell pink?

Colors again - Just like a new box of Crayola crayons!

I restrained myself...and did not buy.

This was what I liked best - Fiddlehead fern garden stakes.
Aren't those just the cleverest things?

Even kitchen and table linens reflect the approaching season.
(Down to Earth - once again!)


  1. How nice to see such "springy" things! I have to ask, though - were any of those lovely linens actually linen, that you could use for stitching? Just sayin'...

  2. Beautiful colors! You have some of the most interesting things in your garden posts. Love the garden stakes. :)
    I liked the way you fixed both pieces on your Fix it Friday post.

  3. Lovely colours are appearing over here too, it's great to see them - they brighten the greyness that comes with this time of year.

  4. I LOVE seeing your "spring things." I agree, those fern posts are great! I have started reading and following some of your garden posts. Have a wonderful week-end!

  5. Beautiful so happy flowers. I love your banner of February stitchings. Very nice work.
    Blessings, denise :D

  6. Thanks for the spring shots, Beth--we sure need them because we're having our most wintry weekend yet. It hasn't stopped snowing--what a beautiful landscape we have outside :)

  7. just love those fern stakes..checked on internet found none wish I did not live on east coast. Love the spring photos. My daffs are sticking up their heads but is is 22 F here very cold they are going to be regretting that soon.


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