Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Market is Back!

February is a "Heart-y" month, and I've begun work on a second Heart in Hand's "Collector's Heart" - this one was released in 2008. 

February also means that the Lane County Farmer's Market is open once again. Hip-hip-hooray!

About a dozen vendors were on hand with a remarkable selection of fresh, local produce.


Pears and Apples...

Mesclun Mixes...

Curly Kale...

and Turnips...

I was happy to see New Day Bakery at the Market.
My sister and I left with cinnamon rolls and chocolate croissants, a loaf of fresh Ciabatta, Cipollini onions, and parsnips, and Dakota Black popcorn.


  1. Cute chart. Amazing produce for you so early. Our temperatures are still way too cold for that. It was 14º this morning!

  2. Oh my, those cinnamon rolls look good. Is Heart and Hand your favorite designer? I have quite a few but have never stitched any of them.


  3. All very healthy - till we reach the last photo :-)

  4. Wow, i'm surprised the farmers market had such a nice selection of produce so early in the year.

  5. Everything looks so tempting, especially the bakery goods, yum!

  6. ooo nice chart and wooo hooo the market is back and love the goodies at the end :)love mouse xxxx

  7. I LOVE farmer's markets and flea markets....they are always so full of so many wonders and goodies.

  8. Your life seems so full of really fun stuff to do. I would love to see the stuff you see on a regular often is the market open and do you walk, bike, or drive. Keep up the good posting


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.