Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rain and Reindeer

Design - "New England Reindeer Sampler"
Designer - Elizabeth's Garden
Fabric - 36 count Creme Brulee R & R linen
Fibers -Needlepoint Silks - 1 stand over 2 threads
Started - 30 December 2011
Completed - 24 January 2012

The design called for two strands of NPS, but I decided that looked too bulky with the 36 count linen.  I used one strand over two threads, and am pleased with the coverage.  I think this is an extraordinary design.  It uses just two colors - and repeats motifs over and over - and manages to create a wonderful bit of thread art!  I guess the symmetry of the piece is pleasing to my eyes.

Well, the rain began at 4:30am Tuesday morning, and it hasn't let up since.  You'll need a raincoat and wellingtons if you're going to join me on today's walk.

Unlike the other Oaks on our property, this small Oak has kept its leaves all through the Fall and into Winter.  I've walked over to look at it a couple of times and it is alive.  It must be some kind of hybrid pin-oak.  I wonder what critter dropped the acorn and from whence it came.    

The Hazel Catkins flutter in the wind and rain.

Besides the catkins, the Hazels are forming buds.

On a rainy gray say, this patch of chartreuse moss glowed.

The Osoberry (Omeleria ceraisformis) is one the earliest plants to bloom in the Spring. It too is setting buds.  Last year it was in bloom in April - you can see a photo with this link

The Pussy Willow is also forming buds.

I think this small bunch of moss and lichen would make for a charming hummingbird's nest! 

The Green Tree - Leafless but green!
This Ash tree is in dense shade.  Moss has covered all but the tips of the branches which still retain seeds.

That's it for our walk today, it's time to come in out of the rain.


  1. I love your finish! I also enjoyed today's walk. :)

  2. Lovely finish! I really enjoy your walks being a nature lover myself! You take photos so well and capture everything beautifully!

  3. Congratulations on the finish! I agree that 1 strand of NPI is plenty on 36-count. The Drawn Thread always has you stitch with one thread even on 32-count. It takes me a little bit to "get over myself" when I stitch those, but then I love both the way it looks and the process!

  4. I often have the dilemma of how many strands to use on particular counts. It's always good to see the catkins, they're one of my favourites. I just caught up with yesterday's post and have to comment on Solomon - he looks so relaxed and comfortable. Cats always make me smile and feel good.

  5. oooo well done on the finish and nice walk today with lots of spring goodness coming through ... love what could be a hummingbirds nest too :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. Beautiful reindeer piece! I agree that one strand was the perfect choice.
    Looks like spring is almost there in your part of the country.

  7. Very cute finish, Beth, and I'm jealous that spring seems to be making an appearance in your neck of the woods!

  8. A wonderful finish and thanks for the walk.

  9. We could use a bit of that rain here in Portugal. In Lisbon I think the last rain was in November and it is never enough cold to snow. Love the pictures. From one that is working in a city/buldings environment, those are lovely and make me long for the weekend.
    Thanks for make me dream a bit

  10. Very nice!! I think you were right to go with one thread. I could see how two threads would take away from the design, being too heavy, etc.

  11. This post got lost in my reader so sorry for the late comment.

    It is so nice to see signs of spring.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.