Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 2012 - Blog Header - Snowmen

Charts and Designers noted below in 5 vertical rows. 

Row One: The Trilogy, "Happy Snow Snow Day", The Trilogy, "Bucky the Snowman", Heart in Hand, "Herbert".
Row Two: Val's Stitchin' Stuff, "A Helping Hand",  Bent Creek, "Snow". 
Row Three: Heart in Hand, "Mother's Wisdom: Dress Warm", The Knotted Tree, "Winter Walk", Heart in Hand, "Snowman Roundabout".
Row Four: Val's Stitchin' Stuff, "Warm Wishes", Pine Mountain Designs, "A Round January", over to Brown House Studio, "Full Winter Moon" (used Stranded by the Sea fibers as suggested by Theresa Venette), then down to Ewe & Eye & Friends, "January", Heart in Hand, "Monthly Markings: January". 
Row Five: Angel Stitchin', "Ahh Snow", Lizzie Kate, "Cold Hands, Warm Heart", The Trilogy, "Family: Cousin Wrigley".

Here we are the first Wednesday of 2012 - It's a dry day - Let's take a walk.

The morning began with a lovely sunrise - though weirdly these clouds are to the west - not the east.

A heavy dew still lingered in the grass. 

Recent rains have been kind to the mosses. 

No Elk prints today, instead I bring you fresh Deer scat!

Across the road, the Sword Ferns flourish in the forest under-canopy.

They are one of the few native plants that are healthy and vibrant looking in early January.  My brother and I used to cut the fronds and use them to wallpaper our wooden forts.

Recent winds have taken down the last of the Oak leaves, and with them, lots of Oak Galls too. 

Each week I look and look for a bird's nest.  Is this one?  I think it may be - click on the image to enlarge - there are lots and lots of little twigs - far more than would randomly fall in any one area.

December ended with several rainy days - 12/27 0.61", 12/28 2.18", 12/29 1.37", and 12/30 0.59".  Our creeks are running much faster and with greater volume than just last week. Click here to compare.

Dorothy's Creek - most of the moss covered rocks are now under water.

The Big Creek - same here much deeper and faster moving water flow. 

The Big Creek - about 1/4 mile from our house - bigger and wider still from the run-off of several more rivulets.

That's it for today - it looks like it might rain - we should go back inside.


  1. Aw..just look at all those smiling snowmen! No wonder people love them--there is not a grumpy one in the bunch :)

    I enjoyed "our" walk today, Beth!! Do those ferns stay lush like that all winter? We woke up to 10 degrees this morning...brrr!! But, it is supposed to warm up a bit by the weekend.

  2. Thanks for all the info on the snowmen - you have enabled me to find the new patterns I want quickly- I shall stimulate the economy today- LOL!

    Beautiful pictues as always. Love the one so the creek - so pretty!

  3. Love the new header and I enjoyed the walk today too...thanks for taking me along!!

  4. Cute snowman pieces. Great job on it. I enjoyed all the pictures.

  5. I love your header! It is so cute!!! I really enjoyed the walk too! :)

  6. ooo snowmen and loved the walk today too ... its been a rather wet cold and windy day today sooo had to have the heating on and snuggled with some stitching :)love mouse xxx

  7. Beautiful morning sky, the photo of the ferns cries out "embroider me".

    Nice to take a walk with you.

  8. Your snowmen are so lovely set out like that. And thanks so much for the beautiful photos on this and previous posts. The scenery and wildlife are awesome :)

  9. I love your snowmen. I have stitched 3 of those boys myself.
    Wonderful outdoor pics.

  10. Hello there! Did you stitch all those snowmen?? I love them--all smiling and cute!! Enjoyed the walk! Hugs!

  11. Thanks for posting the list. You have some very very adorable snowmen there.
    Love also your nature walk. Love that creek especially. We're off end of the month to Tasmania for a month of hiking. Can't wait.

  12. Look at all those cute snowman! What a lovely header!

  13. What a wonderful stitching. Looks so fantastic.
    Grit from Germany


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