Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And We're Off!

Here's what I've chosen as my first start for 2012.  It's "Baubles: December" by Sam Sarah Design Company. And no, I am not stitching out of season despite what my sister might say!), because I'm stitching by monthly theme this year.  January's theme: Snowmen / Mittens.

So rather than having particular predetermined pieces set in stone for 2012 (which so does not work for me), I'm approaching 2012 differently.  Broad themes / motifs - different each month.  This will allow me alot of latitude, which scatter-shot stitcher that I am, I need.  I have now posted a list of my 2012 monthly themes on the sidebar. 

I will tell you that I am still suffering from Rose Bowl Exhaustion!  I am a University of Oregon Duck Football fan.  I watched the game last evening - I so get into it - my stomach hurt, I had a headache - you'd think that I was responsible for calling the plays or something!
The Ducks prevailed over Wisconsin 45 to 38.

How can you not root for the only drum-playing mascot in the Pac-12?


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new blog header! Love all the snowmen!!

  2. SNOWMEN!! Too cute.

    How could mittens possibly be out of season in brrrrrr...January??!?

    Yay Ducks! I went to Georgia Tech, but I root for the Ducks because of their mascot and fashion sense! =D (And also because of On The Rocks. =)

  3. oooo lovely new start and the drummer does have a certain appeal hehehe :) love mouse xxxx

  4. Predetermined pieces don't work for me either. I like your idea of broad themes. Winter has definitely arrived here and I think mittens are a great stitch choice. :)
    I don't follow college football, but I do watch hockey, and I know what you mean about getting into it. Sometimes the day after a game I'm actually hoarse from yelling. :D
    Congratulations Ducks! Love the mascot. :)

  5. Cute mittens.

    You must have had a good time yesterday with the Ducks!

  6. Your header is fantastic,as your headers always are...lol. Love your themes and your new start, It will be lovely to follow your progress
    And I must thank you for inspiring me to shoot an email to Theresa and I could still buy Wassailing !!!

  7. I love the idea of your monthly theme and look forward to seeing what results. Congrats on the Ducks winning. My alma mater(OSU) lost unfortunately.

  8. Good luck with your themes - sounds like a good way to plan!

  9. I like the idea of broad themes rather than preset pieces. When stitching you can't be tied to a set plan, you have to be free to express your creative moods at the time.

    The drumming duck is so cute. Being in the UK I don't know much about American Football but I do hope that your team has a good season.

  10. Cute new start, and the blog header is great!

    That Rose Bowl game was one of the best games I've watched in a while, it really kept us in suspense the whole game.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.